assault on Ninjago city

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We attack anyone we can that is in ninjago.I say "Tornado attack anyone who stops us." He nods and fires at a mecs.I see people being saved and Bentho.My eyes turns back to normal but Kalmaar's 2nd in command shocks me back into being under the control of Kalmaar.I attack anyone I can with the soldiers.We see soldiers are being cornered by the evil ninja Kalmaar talked about.Tornado attacks the ninja as they say "Wait Y/N IT'S US YOUR FRIENDS." I say with pure red eyes "I have no friends so stop lying to me.Tornado attack them." He nods and makes whirlpools attack the ninja and Bentho.I then see someone fall into the water so I was about to attack them.I ready Tornado to fire until I say "Lloyd..?" He says "Wait Y/n." I was about to get shocked again but Tornado protects me by making a Whirlpool.I say "My head is now hurting ugh." Lloyd says "Glad you aren't on the evil side anyone Y/n." I smile then me and Tornado make a whirlpool around us taking off the armour.I say "That's better." We see Kalmaar on Wo-Jira.He says "Ugh she is out my control." He makes Wo-Jira try get me back under his control.It misses because the others protected me.We attack them but then he goes after the bounty making it fall.We protect the bounty by shooting at it.Me and Nya attack Kalmaar together on Tornado.

y/n x Lloyd season 1-16Where stories live. Discover now