rise of the great devourer

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We wait for the ninja to show up for the trade.They show up with no fang blades.I say "where are they ninja." Jay responds " Pythor he stole them,the great devourer will be released." I say "wait if he has those then.MIDNIGHT,SHADOW,MOONLIGHT." I run to the tomb to see shadow and moonlight in the tomb asleep and that a note is where midnight was. I look at it and slap the boys yelling " YOU IDIOTS MIDNIGHT WAS THE LAST PIECE FOR PYTHOR TO USE TO REALISE THE GREAT DEVOURER." I start crying seeing that my best friend/leader was taken by the serpentine.Anger filed my heart and I then yell " OK DEVOURERS GO ON THE DRAGONS ARE LETS RIDE OUT FAST." They obey and we ride out fast.

We arrive to see the serpentine are on a train/bus.We start attacking it as I use alot of my power to making it thunder so it attacks the train/bus.The ninja soon show up so we decide to help them stop Pythor.I use my powers over the air to stop the tail.The ninja get on as we all are attacking the serpentine.We attack the guns aswell. I yell at the devourers "our main focus is to get midnight." They all yell " let's go." We attack the serpentine and get to the front but before we could get in Wu unclipped the front.

I look at what happened and said " shadow, moonlight follow me your guys get prepared for his return." We fly to Pythor,Wu and Midnight. We arrive but it was to late we see Midnight tied to to the mouth of the devourer with the fang blades around her.The vemon soon shows and Midnight screams in pain because its using her powers to free him.The great devourer gets realised and eats Pythor and Wu.I free Midnight as he looks at us I try protect Midnight.He doesn't eat me because I get scared and turn to my devourer form.I call moonlight to help heal Midnight.She says very weak "Plz tell mum and dad he's back.I need to regain my energy by resting." I nod my head and say "shadow plz take Midnight to safety I will inform our masters." He obeys and carries Midnight with moonlight.
I get on Tornada and fly away to tell David devourer and midday he returned.

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