how to build a dragon

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I wake up in the cage with Lloyd,Moonlight and the ninja because of a hunter they called daddy-no-legs.I growl with one of my eyes turning dark red.My oni side says in my mind "I will go and try find out their plan so please stay safe Y/n." I nod as my shadow disappeared.We hear the hunter saying "Welcome back to the dead's end." I spit at daddy-no-legs dissolving a leg of his.The others wake up and Jay says he heard Nya.I cuddle Lloyd ignoring the ninja.I feel him playing with my hair so I look up to see one of his eyes turned green again.I snap my fingers and his eyes turn back to evil.I look behind me upset at the air dragon being dragged along.I grow horns,wings and a tail as I tried to touch the air dragon feeling the connection we have.Moonlight could tell I was upset I couldn't get to the dragon so she hugs me.We see kids running to us and the dragon.I spit on the metal freeing me and Moonlight.

We try free the dragon but end up failing.The hunters grabbed me and covered my mouth with an any power proof mussel.The drag Moonlight off tying us both us with the dragon.One of the kids says "We want to play hunters and dragons but we have no dragons.Can the little girl be the dragon?" I look to Moonlight as she nods.The kids free the and they then play.I sigh seeing the fail.I say "free me and I will help teach you." They agree and free me.I say "Sometimes to trick a dragon you need to pretend to be friend.When you do that you need a team to do it.One person is the pretend friend while the others have to hide and wait for the dragon to go down then catch it." The kids understood so they did waht I said and caught Moonlight. I say "Being friends with dragons is the best way you can tame a dragon alright." The kids nod as they continue playing hunters and dragons.We teach them alot about dragons like what they would eat,their territory, how to catch a dragon,make friends with one, how to trap its powers and more.The kids were happy with what we taught them. The hunters listened to it aswell so they can use it to catch dragons.

It turns night so we get thrown into a cage away from the ninja.We see Wu driving a fake firstbourne making their plan work until the real one shows up.The ninja fight the hunters leaving Lloyd to free me and Moonlight.We free the air dragon as the ninja free the earth dragon.Midnight shows us and says in dragon "Queen of dragons please leave before the hunters get you." She nods then leaves.We get away safely to the camp Midnight,Shadow and Mystery set up.

y/n x Lloyd season 1-16Where stories live. Discover now