the wrath of Kalmaar

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We wake up to see us tied up.I see I am between Nya and Maya.I say "You guys ok?"  Maya asks" what happened?" We look at our arms and I say "Ugh he caught all 3 of us but luckily Aqua and Felix are safe with Stormy.Maya says "Oh no they were caught too." She points to another pillar that has Aqua and Felix tied up.I say "All they need now is...Stormy." Maya says that Wo-Jira is a myth but Nya says that we found the keepers and storm amulet.I say "I am no idiot Kalmaar show yourself." He says "At last we meet each other again Princess Y/n of the Eastern sea Kingdom." I growl as he introduces himself.Maya acts like he didn't kidnap us and is being nice to him.Nya and Maya have an argument about her being nice to him then he yells "SILENCE BOTH OF YOU.Tell me the location of the island and I will spare you." Me and Nya just act dumb and like we don't know a thing.Kalmaar gets annoyed and then a servant shows up and scares him into shooting above us.He then leaves because the king wants him.I close and eyes and try contact Stormy.

Stormy prospective

I was sitting at the door waiting for my sister and the masters of water when I heard that the others don't know where
Y/n,Maya,Aqua,Felix or Nya.I worry then I hear Y/n.She says "tell dad that Kalmaar has us and wants the storm stone and don't get caught by anyone." I understand then leave the sub with the others trying to stop me.I swim out and call dad who was having a meeting with the royals here.I get to the Castle to try find dad.I see Dad,the King, Bentho and...Kalmaar.Dad was talking to them about Y/n being missing and about rumours.I say "Sir the rumours are true about another sunken surface vessel because Me and Sis were on it with a few of her friends." I don't look at Kalmaar because I was scared that he would know about what sis told me.Kalmaar soon gets dismissed after we talk about the ship.I spy on them to hear he lied.I wasn't surprised and I stay longer then hear Kalmaar leaving them with the guy he was talking to.I climb on the top and follow the guy who the leads me the the masters of water and Y/n.I stay in the shadows as they escape.Kalmaar's workers try attack Y/n and the 5 masters of water but I create a Tornado throwing them away.

Y/n prospective

We escaped and were about to get attacked when suddenly a Tornado appeared at took them away.I laugh saying "Took your time huh Stormy." She shows herself saying "Sorry I had to follow one of the servants to find you guys." Stormy walk to us and uses her water and air powers together to brake the chains.We get attacked by more servants but me and Y/n used "the spinjizu of Wo-Jira's might' to help us attack the servants.We then run with the masters of water. We fight more but then escape in the mecs and by turning into a half dragon.

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