game of masks

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We arrived at the oni temple.We go in and see long rocks going out of the unknown. Mystery looks at it and says " one wrong step and death will await us." We jump across the rocks.Lloyd was about to jump on a rock with a symbol then I get told to grab him.I then throw a stone I had with me at all times showing the rock falling. Mystery says "we have these to guard our mask.The ones with symbols on dont step on them alright." We all nod and keep jumping.Harumi sets off a trap making the rocks fall.Lloyd and her got to safety but I wouldn't have if Mystery didn't save me.She showed me a safer and secret way in.Lloyd and Harumi get past another trap while me and Mystery go to through a part only oni know about including Mystery know about. We see Harumi and Lloyd going to get the mask. We hear Harumi say " only someone with only blood can take the mask." We see Lloyd try get the mask but fail miserably. Harumi was confused until Mystery and I show up. I say " correction Harumi only someone who is a pure blood oni can take the mask." Mystery walks up and is able to take the mask.Lloyd asks "How did you know I had oni blood?" Harumi responds with "You're related to the first spinjizu master.he was an oni." Lloyd says "I never told you and Jay were alone mystake told us the story.You were never there" Harumi says "I must've heard it from Jay." Mystery says "What do you mean must've? You should be sure if Jay told you?" Lloyd was going to take the mask but me and Mystery move away.Lloyd realised that Harumi is the quiet one and that the baby is Wu.I say "Finally catching on I see." He looks at us as he says "Y/n,Mystery.Help me."  We stay quiet until we put our masks on.He says "Whispering Mistress...Darkside you both are evil." I say "I had no choice I LOST THOSE I LOVE BECAUSE OF THE NINJA AND WU.I..I was scared of losing my friends in the same way." A shadow of myself appears and hugs me.She shows herself to be an oni.She says "Shhh it's ok I am here." I say with tears in my eyes "I was justice." She turns to Mystery and says "Sister please protect her before she faces the same problems as the first spinjizu master and Midday faced." Mystery nods as my oni side returns to my body.I see Harumi and Lloyd running to us.Lloyd says "Give me the mask Mystery." Harumi says "Hand it over or lose the only chance to be able to get revenge." I look at Mystery as she says "I won't hand it over.Y/n will decide." She hands me the mask so I look to them fighting each other to make me hand one of them the mask.I look at it then put it on.I knock Lloyd out as Mystery grabs Harumi.I run out destroying the place with me carrying an unconscious Lloyd.

Harumi and the others get out before me and Mystery.Kai asks " Where's Lloyd, Mystery and Y/n?" Before Harumi could answer.Me and  walk out laughing at them talking bad about them like 'I can't believe they thought we were good.How pathetic.' They were shocked to see Mystery and me were against them.Zane says " After all the other fights we had against them I am not surprised about this." I smirk as Ghost Bite appears and knocks Zane out standing on him holding Pixal.I see the huge lobster monster show up. I walk to the creature and puts an oni poison on it killing it. Mystery soon wissles.Rex shows up so she says " here is dinner big boy." Rex roars in happiness and eats the huge lobster.We leave on the bounty.I go into Lloyd's room and chain him to the bed.I watch videos then fall asleep on him.

y/n x Lloyd season 1-16Where stories live. Discover now