all for nothing

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The ninja don't know about the letter and finds The devourers tomb and plans to steal the fang blades.They soon steal the fang blades from the tomb using Lloyd as the key.Y/n gets an alert on her watch saying " the tomb ah its under attack by the ninja." She runs there to see the ninja taking the fang blades.I kick them in the legs and try take the fang blades.I manage to get one fang blade from them so they run after me. I wissle as Tornada shows up and a ladder is coming out her saddle pocket.I grab on and she flies fast.

The ninja turn there golden weapons into vehicles.I sit on and we go faster.Jay catches up and takes the fang blade from me.We fly after him to take it back knowing that Pythor will go on the bounty to take the fang blades.We realise they will want Lloyd aswell as nya with them.I breathe and say
" we need to make a deal with them.We need nya and Lloyd.Go to the bounty tornada." While we are flying to the bounty I call midnight and say " Get the devourers to get Lloyd,I'm going after nya. We arrive and take nya.Leaving a note saying
" if you want Lloyd and Nya back return the fang blades to the devourer by 2:00 pm tomorrow or else they will suffer.

From the 2nd in charge of the devourers."

y/n x Lloyd season 1-16Where stories live. Discover now