the turn of the tide

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We attack Kalmaar and Wo-Jira together. Kalmaar says "You have become one with your elements like the Nyad.A foolish sacrifice for it will gain you nothing." I attack him more with Nya.He continues "You both cannot hope to defeat me and Wo-Jira." I say "You are Wrong Kalmaar." Nya kicks him in the face.I turn to a small dragon with Nya next to me.We hear Jay yell "NYA" and Lloyd yell "Y/N." Nya says "Jay" while I say "Lloyd." Jay says "Nya,Y/n watch out." I turn to see Kalmaar was going to hit Nya but I block it with my lightning.Me and Nya get hit back though so Kalmaar says "Destroy the ninja."

Me and Nya see Wo-Jira back in control and ate Kalmaar.Nya turned to a Wo-Jira made out of water.Me and Nya both fly up and fight Wo-Jira.she attacks the ninja so we protect them.Wo-Jira defeats Nya as I try protect the ninja alone.We then see Nya reforming herself.Together we fly to Wo-Jira turning to our humanoid forms.(Y/n is just a dragon with their body looking human with horns,wings and a tail.)We defeat her once and for all.

We jump onto the building the ninja are on.They praise us for saving the day.The others talk about turning us back but we were confused.I seperate from the dragons.Nya gets a call to the sea while I get a call to beyond the sea.Me and Nya say "Do you hear it?" Jay asks "Hear what?" Nya says "The sea" while I say "The world." We say together "It's so loud.So powerful." Bentho says "They call to them." Me and Nya feel pain.Nya looks to be like jelly while I fall on my hands and legs.Jay and Lloyd say "Nya,Y/n." I stand as we say"Sorry.It's difficult maintaining this shape." Jay asks "What do you mean shape? That's what you both are." We say "What we were.Yes.I have to go now.I will remember you." I get to the edge and ready my wings but Kai asks "Remember?What are you talking about? You're not going anywhere." Jay says "Nya,Y/n wait something is wrong with you both,you both have to concentrate.You both have to focus,you both have to turn back... No don't leave us." We turn to Lloyd and Jay.I turn back to a humanoid dragon and I touch Lloyd's face as Nya touches Jay's. We then let go and go to teh edge.Wu says "Nya,Y/n I implore you,whatever you're both hearing,whatever you're experiencing,fight it,Y/n and Nya. Fight it." Midnight comes and says "They can't Uncle.Once you combine with your element you hear a voice that you must follow.Your real self may not want to but the elemental part takes over and makes you follow it." Me and Nya nod then leave.I turn back to my dragon form and follow Midnight to the queen of dragons in ninjago...Moonlight.

I sit on Moonlight's shoulder as the ninja do a remembering thing for me and Nya.

y/n x Lloyd season 1-16Where stories live. Discover now