spy for a spy

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We get food but Me,My leaders and team don't eat them because we don't want to be tracked.Chen then explains why he steals their elemental powers.Me and my team know the real reason. We talk abit then go to Kai's room to see who is the spy or well spies.We show our backs to find no anacondrai tattoo.We hide our shoulders to wrists because we have devourer marks on it or for Me,Midnight,Shadow and Mystery we have a Oni marking on our necks we hide them using makeup.Me and my team then leave to see Chen.We wait for Chen's spy.They appear and Chen says"My spy,have they found the girl?" The spy responds "no but you may have bigger problems to deal with." The spy is Skylar.She continues "Cole's got the metal man,Father." Mystery says in Oni "At least I am not the only one who has a villian as a dad." We agree.Chen says"thank you,my child.The master of form's power has proved to be useful to you.But the ninja's time here is done.Tomorrow,we will end this charade.Tomorrow,we will break up the ninja forever." He tells us the plan.The devourers(my team) then leave.

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