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Cole wakes up seeing us.I hand his the dragon armour.We get him in his vehicle before the potion wore off.We get out the darkness and to the temple.Shadow says that the oni are at the temple.We fire dark attacks at the oni to help the ninja.I say " is Lloydy ok?" I turn back to normal as do the others showing our true forms.Nya says " He is ok luckily thanks to you guys." We continue fighting with Cole and the ninja helping.I see Garmadon losing so Shadow and Mystery help him.Midnight and I grab all the weapons and create a portal sending the Oni black to where they came from. Shadow and Mystery and Garmadon get grabbed by the ninja until the portal was closed losing the oni for good.

Me and Midnight fall unconscious because of how much energy we lost doing that.We rest in mine and Nya's old room.We wake up and soon put our hand prints on a wall.I do it then hug Lloyd kissing his cheek.We say goodbye to the ninja with the others (Moonlight,Midnight, Shadow and Mystery) saying bye. I say "I hope we meet in the future again but now I have to become the queen on ninjago while Mystery is going to be Queen of the shadow empire." We leave but I say "Lloyd you will always be allowed to come to the castle and maybe we can be together in the future." I could tell he was blushing at what I said making me giggle. He says "I will gladly be with you in the future." I smile then say "See you then Lloyd."

y/n x Lloyd season 1-16Where stories live. Discover now