season 9-firstbourne

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We try to find Misako and Nya aswell as have some fun.We scare some people for fun then laugh after.I say " I am going to a different realm want to join?" He says " sure Y/n." We then leave to go to the First realm to land of the oni and dragons.We managed to get there successfully because Midnight left me something that will allow me to go to any realm her grandfather made...a shard of her mother's necklace.

I find her and the others trying to find those ninja and Wu. I whisper "Lloyd don't attack them and wear this." He nods and puts on gloves and a mask I handed to him
We find a signal so we follow it.I say " hey boys miss us oh and Ninjago is in terror so you may not have a home to go back to." Kai panics and says alot of stuff about where we are.Moonlight says " Umm fire boy Mama told mw, Mwdnight and Shwdow about the wand of owi and dwagon(umm fire boy mama told me,Midnight and Shadow about the land of oni and dragon.)" They try make us tell them about the place but we refused. We then hear Wu say " I'm hungry." I walk to him and say " here I have a enough food to last us for a year here plus I also got alot of food for dragons to." I hand Younger Master Wu a sandwich.Then hand the ninja food aswell.They say that Wu and Cole are going to go get food while the others go fix the radio. I say " Me, Mystery,Shadow,Lloyd and Midnight are going with you 2. Moonlight stay here with them." They all agree and we leave.

We then see a dragon baby.Cole says " It's ok.I used to be scared of them too.But dragons are our friends." I slap my hand on my head and say " the ones they had were trained these are wild untrained ones." Cole goes up to it and the mum shows up.I then run to it and see the chain on the dragon's neck.Midnights turns to a dragon and calms it down while I try get the chain off.Once I got the chain off I rubbed it's head on me.I carefully strock it and say "We won't hurt you like they did you poor thing." Midnight gets a call from Moonlight calling for help.I then run to Moonlight with Lloyd, Midnight,Mystery and Shadow following.I then come to where the bounty was but it was to late they got caught.I fall down and cry saying " I shouldn't have let her here. We  knew about these people but still we left them with people who don't know what is in this place." The others comfort me and calm me down.I end up falling asleep so Lloyd carries me.Wu and Cole see what happened then follow us to where they are.

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