long live the king

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We get chased by their Riper sharks so we try losing them.We try lose them but they won't lose us.I say "What do we do w can't lose these annoying sharks." Nya says this is there element but Aqua says "But it's our element too." Aqua and Felix attack the sharks so Nya joins in.The 3rd one was about to attack Nya but Lloyd and Jay save us.I say "Thanks guys." The sharks leave and we go back to the sub.I say "Well thanks for the save boys." Maya says that she thought we would be defeated.Nya and Maya have a little argument before the proximity alarms went off.Pixel says that we are surrounded.We get told that we were trespassing and for us to come quietly or else we would be fired at.We had no choice but to agree to it.

Me and Stormy look out the window to see a servant near.I say "This is my fault.I let them come here and now this." Stormy says "Sis it wasn't your fault they chose to go and you wouldn't have been able to make them disagree." I say "True but now they are in danger because of them coming here." Stormy hugs me and tells me that it will be ok.I loved that she did this but I wasn't convinced.We get to the kingdom then pushed to meet the king.I growled as I held Stormy's hand.The king yells at us for trespassing and destroying their peace.We tell him that they didn't know about a kingdom and what Kalmaar is trying to do and what he did.I say "Your highness he lied to you about attacking us." He was in shock at what he heard.He said for a servant to bring his son and helper to us.

Kalmaar denied everything we said except sinking our sub. Kalmaar says about the world being theirs before us but we made land and with Wo-Jira's power they get fix the past.The king disagrees with Kalmaar's plan as does Me and Stormy because dad told us everything about Wo-Jira.Kalmaar then says about what he can do about the 2nd things he said before he kills his own father and the 2 guards with us.He throws the trident to us then calls for the guards to attack us.I grab Stormy then we all run off.We try fight back then Zane and Nya do their plan.Nya creates water while Zane freezes it making an ice wall.We then run off more.We talk while running until they flood the castle.Everyone puts their breathers on while me and Stormy turn to half dragons.We see a Riper shark coming to us.Zane makes an ice wall as we try open the door.I hear from a little sea spirt called Ocean that Bentho found about the truth.The king told him to help us escape and help us stop Kalmaar before its to late by his dad who died.I also heard from a ocean dragon spirt that Kalmaar became the king so I fear he will use that title for his evil plans and I also heard that he was to unit the Eastern sea Kingdom and his kingdom by marriage.Since I am the oldest and he liked me when we were kids I have to marry him.The problem is that Lloyd is my soulmate and it won't happen anyway because me and Lloyd are marrying in a few years because of the law about soulmates (if you find your soulmate then you must marry when you both are adults.If someone who isn't you soulmate tries to marry you and you met your soulmate then you just decline and no one is allowed to force you to marry them.)

y/n x Lloyd season 1-16Where stories live. Discover now