season 14-A big splash

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I was in the base training my powers when suddenly I couldn't control my air and water powers.I got scared of it so I went to inform Wu but the ninja were there.They talk then Nya shows up and says about her losing control.I say "same here but that was with air and water.Why is that?" Nya yells at the ninja about the mission then the 2 of us were leaving.We accidentally make the sprinklers go off.Jay says "the sprinklers." We turn around to see the electronics braking.I touch the sprinklers taking the water.I say "learned why few months ago." I walk away leaving them.I go to the library after I got some clean clothes on to see them talking about Wo-Jira.I say "She had one egg that hatched that turned to a half man half sea dragon.He fell in love with a half dragon called Hannah and they had 2 children.The older out of the 2 has all the powers of the first spinjizu master and Wo-Jira." Wu says "Then we need to find the older of the 2." I then say "Sensei they have 2 half siblings one is the overlord's daughter and the other is the master of air's son." The others ask "So that means..." Wu was in shock the Zane understood and said "It is you.You're the older sibling and grandchild to Wo-Jira." I nod then say "Yes that is how I was able to turn the sprinklers off and how I was able to control air and water even after well...this." I leave as they talk about other things.

I was outside watching Nya train then Kai talks to her about me and her going to see if her mum can help us.Nya doesn't listen so I say "This isn't relaxing anyway Nya." She still doesn't listen and almost hits me and Kai with part of the wood.We then leave and Nya destroys it.Me and Nya walk in and everything air and water related does the same as before.I say "Can we try your mum now Nya?Together atleast." She just stays quiet.Wu and the others try convince us to go try.We hear someone at the gate so me and Nya go check to see it's her parents. She says to us that Kai told her about what's happening.I say "It does seem to be best if you try help us."The problem is that I haven't master my water powers or even Fire,lightning, earth or ice but the others can help with those it's water that we need to master.She agrees to helping us and then leaves with Ray.Nya is annoyed at Kai for telling their mum.I lie and say "It was my idea to call her because I agreed to it but we saw you needed help so...KAI RUN." Me and Kai run so Nya chases us.She was annoyed at us so we hid in Kai's room until she calmed down.We had food then went to our rooms and slept.

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