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We were riding back to Ninjago when I sensed danger.I teloported to it and saw 2 kids in danger.I create a bike then say "Follow me kids." They follow and we ride over cars and vehicles to get away.I wissle and a devourer on a bike leads us to their nearest base.I see Kalmaar chasing us and Kai running on roofs.I make my bike into a 3 person motorbike.I say "Hop on." The kids jump on so the Devourer makes their bike into a motorbike.We try lose Kalmaar as best we can.Kai jumps in the vehicle Kalmaar is in and they fight.We go faster as the bridge is going up.We stop and the kids go off.The vehicle falls into the water but Kalmaar jumps out.He asks the kids what they are but they say that they are people who deliver newspapers.He laughed at it then left.I say "Oh no Kai." Me and the girl jump in to save him.We get him up and do CPR.I say "You ok?" Kai responds "Yeah but tentacles got away." I say "Kalmaar.His name is Kalmaar the new and terrible king on the Melopianes.He killed his father to become king but his adopted brother is helping us stop him." The kids say that they tried to stop him.I say "You both did great though it wasn't much to you.It was amazing for someone to do that.Plus the amulet he has is useless without it's powers." I giggle at it." I thank the kids for their help as we then leave to try catch them.

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