the jade Princess

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I see Lloyd is after us so I tell the others. We parkor over buildings.Kai almost falls so I throw him up on a building with us.Lloyd asks" who are you 5?" We pull our hoods off revealing ourselves.He says " Princesses, kids of the royals. I thought you were kidnapped.I was trying to save you" We all laugh after what he said.Harumi says "was that what that was?From our vantage,it looked like Y/n was the one saving you." Lloyd asks " then who's in the bags." Mystery responds "things called food." We open the bags. We hear the head guard yell " THE PRINCESSES AND THE KIDS ARE GONE!FIND THEM" I breathe then say "well that's new for us because as long as we tell Empress Darkness where we go we can go outside." We put on disguises to hide ourselves. We feed the less fortunate.I smile seeing the less fortunate here happy.We talk about how hard being a royal or a ninja is.We then notice some Sons Of Garmadon being mean to some kids.

Lloyd was going to stop them but Me, Harumi and Mystery stop him.Samurai x helps the kids while we watch. The head guard soon shows up when Lloyd says that we should go back.We end up going back to the castle and Harumi gets yelled at by the Emperor.Empress Darkness says " I allowed them to go it's not their fault." After a while Me, Mystery and Harumi leave to Harumi's we go to her room.I calm her down and we talk about the plan.Me, Mystery and Harumi go out her room.I see Harumi under some wood. We help her. Zane shows up a second later and helps us get Harumi. We ask about the mask.The head guard says that he took it because he didn't trust the ninja but now he does.He tells us to go throws the secret passage he opened for us.Empress Darkness shows up and says that she can't find the Emperor or Empress.

We leave with Harumi.We see the castle explode.We ride away from the castle with the leader of the attack following us with some help.We almost get away but the crazy girl jumps off the road she was on to the one we were on.I quickly take the mask and call Tornada with Mystery and Empress Darkness on her back.We get away and meet the crazy girl at the base in disguise. We take off our disguises and say " here you go.We just need the quiet one to help us find the 3rd oni mask then Master Garmadon will be released." We all laugh then we take off the disguises and go to Harumi.

We get on the bounty and talk with the ninja saying " they had us so the one that lead the attack on the castle told us if we wanted to be freed then we need to hand over the mask.I had to hand the mask over.But good news for you there are 4 oni masks the 4th is in the Shadow Empire that no one but people with oni blood in them can enter." Harumi then asks about the Emperor and Empress and the head guard. Nya and the others look down and say that they didn't make it.Harumi is upset so I hug her secretly injecting a small amount of oni blood in her (doesn't let her have oni powers though)to allow her into the Shadow Empire without being turned to stone by the Darkness protecting the Shadow Empire.I leave with Mystery to our room.(They did call for Shadow and Midnight to put Empress Darkness in the Shadow Empire.)

y/n x Lloyd season 1-16Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora