The last hope

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Y/n walks up to Garmadon saying " My lord my light side is fighting back for control. what should I do?" He responds " put the vengestone cuffs on so she can't us enough powers." She does it and her light side takes back control. The Ninja get attacked by evil shadow,midnight and Mystery.They capture them.Wu says " the only thing they all have in common are that they are some how related to something dark it seems like Mystery is more affected by it because she is more dark.Y/n isn't affected that much because she is a turned evil not a born part evil. I manage to escape and run to the ninja.I say to them " once the helmet is taken it can't stop.I'm sorry Lloyd."
I soon fall unconscious and wake up tied up and held by shadow and midnight as well as Mystery.

y/n x Lloyd season 1-16Where stories live. Discover now