season 11-12

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Y/n went everywhere in every country she could to find out more and more about her other sides and their powers and skills.She discovered she has all elemental powers because the people her and her siblings were with were infact their adopted parents and they were half siblings.(Morro's real father was the master of Air who kicked him out because of anger.Her mum already went away before and left Morro with the man.) She fell in love in the Overlord and had Mystery.Her mum found out of the Overlord's dark plans so she took Mystery and got back to ninjago.She kept Mystery with her when she fell in love with Daniel who was the son of Wo-Jira.They fell in love and had 2 kids Y/n and later her younger sister Stormy.To keep her daughters safe she moved Mystery into the darkness with her friend Donna Darkness and Y/n with her other s friend Luara who became Y/n's mum.

Shadow is the king of the shadow kingdom so he is ruling there but with ninjago Midnight is the queen of the serpentine with a ghost and Moonlight is the queen for when Y/n's busy.The 3 kingdoms are at a somewhat peace because a few people and serpentine are attacking ninjago and the serpentine but the peace is for them to wage war on each other.Having fights with other side just leads to the defences starting to fight them.the deafences are Ninjago-ninja,Shadow kingdom-shadow squad,Serpentine-allied forces(different serpentine as a team.)

Y/n and Mystery along with their youngest sister Stormy left to try find their true potentials and to try understand their powers aswell of Y/n's other sides.They went like that for months until they returned back to Ninjago seeing the ninja are there with no Wu or Misako.

Morro-oldest out of all 4 of them.29 years old and died at age of 11.
Mystery-2nd oldest out of the 4 of them and is 2 years older than Y/n.19 years old.
Y/n-3rd oldest out of all 4.17 years old.
Stormy-youngest out of the 4 of them,9 years younger than Y/n.8 years old.

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