stiix and stones

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We get to stiix and Morro sees that I want to talk to Lloyd so he says " You want to talk to the green ninja." I nod my head.He goes out of Lloyd.I run over to Lloyd and hug him.He says " Y/n go quickly." I look at him with glowing ghost eyes saying "oh Lloyd I won't betray my brother." He tries to stand up and escape but I pull him saying "Looks like your my enemy now Lloyd." I look to Morro saying "Possess him." He nods and Possesses Lloyd.He walks to me and pats my head saying "I need you to get the scroll for me. understand?" I nod saying while facing Morro"I understand."

It turns night and Morro summons soul archer.He falls down after it and I run to him and help him up. Soul archer says " you summoned me." "Ugh,I need help to procure the first clue that will lead me to the tomb of the first spinjizu master." I continue " Ronin has the scroll of airjizu." "Ronin? Hmm,he owes me a large debt." Soul archer says.I say "he is on stiix,the village built on water." Morro is leaning on me and says " this armour,it weakens me at the same time Lloyd is fighting my possession." Soul archer replies "then let my bow give you strength and point the way. Tonight we will take what's ours." Morro says "Master will be pleased."

I put on my shadow grey gi and get to the shop. Ronin says after seeing soul archer "huh? Soul archer.I thought I was gonna have more time.I'm a little short." "I'll return for your debt later,but for now I came for something else." Ronin "uh,if this is about our last--aah. Lloyd,you missed your friends they were just here or should I call you by anothervname?" I walk out the shadows hearing the boys talking.I start searching for the scroll then hear the ninja.We hide and wait for the ninja to find the scroll. Soul archer possesses an organ.They says that they need water and they throw some.Zane talks gibberish and kai says " I think he said ' another one of morro's friends." Morro shows himself and says " and there's more where that come from!" More ghosts show up as I go trying to find the scroll. I see the ninja getting rid of the ghosts.I try find the scroll.Morro yells at Ronin saying " where is the scroll." He replies " You'll never find it! Whoa!" We all see the scroll. Morro says " only one of us shall possess it." I grab ronin before he can get it and Midnight shows up and yells " yeah me." She flies as the ninja chase her.

She gets to the dock to see y/n. She pulls on her hood and says "Like I promised  Shadow grey" handing me the scroll and looks away saying " make sure the ninja don't get it and morro does got it." I look at her smile while responding."Understood." Me and Midnight see the ninja after us so She flies up as a dragon as I use airjizu and I land on her back.We meet Morro at a hill nearby and we land as I hand the scroll to him saying " it's not just me working with you brother, Midnight is aswell." Once I finished she turns to her normal form revealing she is Midnight his soulmate.

y/n x Lloyd season 1-16Where stories live. Discover now