time of traitors

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Tyme and Crono run into the temple looking for the ninja.They soon find the ninja and say in panic " Y/n turned invisible to spy on the hands of time and she got caught we went to rescue her but we don't know when she will wake up." They start crying.Nya uses her power to pore water on me making me wake up.I scream then Tyme and Crono hugged me then explained what happened.The ninja ask me where Borg is so I reply " With Acronix and Krux.Krux said 'he has his best blacksmiths on it' when Acronix said that they lost alot of armour."

Me,Kai,Tyme,Lloyd and Crono all go to the museum to find doctor sanders. We talk to him as Tyme and Crono were about to open the secret room.He grabs Tyme and Crono.I kick him away and say " I'm tired of lying about this.Kai that is Krux brother to Acronix."I brake the camera and say " Acronix is alive and in a secret room over there." I point to the wall then Crono opens the door revealing a secret room.

I open the pharaoh coffin showing Borg. Midnight calls me saying " snakes are taking people where are you,Crono and Tyme." I respond "the museum fight the hands of time." She says "make sure they don't get Crono and Tyme." I obey and protect them aswell as fighting Krux.I get grabbed by Acronix and I slowly fall unconscious.I see Crono and Tyme getting taken by Acronix.I soon falls unconscious.I wake up tied to a chair with Lloyd,Kai,Tyme and Crono not in sight.I get worried about them. I look around then soon see Krux and Acronix taking Borg in the room.I soon brake free and turn into air and get away.

y/n x Lloyd season 1-16Where stories live. Discover now