day of the dragon

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I was tied up to a rock with Skylar.My masters and team were tied up near us.Chen walks to us and released Skylar and me.I say "What do you want Chen." He tries to get us to use our powers to help his courses.We end up escaping.We get chased.I say "You guys need to stay safe.We will distract them and don't let them get Midnight." Everyone nods so we separate.We try get away.I say "I can't make a dragon because they know my weakness. If I try get away they will go after Lloyd." I sigh then grab Skylar.I create a weather dragon and put Skylar on behind me. The ninja try help us get away. We see Kai so I say "Create your dragon." He nods as does so.He asks how we are and we say we're ok.Chen chases us so we try get away. Kai and Skylar uses their fire powers to the vehicles Chen is in.Tehy made a smoke screen giving Kai the chase to let Skylar turn invisible behind me while I hide.They land where I was hiding.We see no one is around so we are going to walk back until Kai and Skylar get hit with a net.I managed to get away but someone shot something at my neck.I pull it out to be a sleep dart.Kai and Skylar yell for me to stay awake.I soon close my eyes and see nothing but black.I felt someone carrying me but I couldn't move at all.I manage to regain consciousness and escape the person's grasp.

I see Garmadon in danger.I use my powers to get Garmadon away but I grab Clouse and we to soon fall in it.I use my mind connection to Midnight to tell her I am going to be in the curse realm and for her to save me. I put on my hood to see my body is becoming like a ghost. I then see a ghost I wished I didn't was Morro my brother.Midnight soon made a portal and went in.She grabbed me then left the cursed realm.She saw my arms and legs were like a ghost. She closed the portal then put waterproof metal over my ghost body parts.She helped me walk around then we went to try stop Chen's evil plan.I see his followers turned to anacondrai.I had fear in my eyes knowing his evil plans are coming true.

y/n x Lloyd season 1-16Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt