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We wake up and arrive at the fangpire tomb. I ask Lloyd "we here for revenge because if yes this please may not be the right place being of the change in leader for the hypnobrai."Lloyd doesn't listen to me ."soon the serpentine will know who their masters are Lloyd Garmadon and Y/n L/n," Lloyd says.Then lighting strikes scaring Lloyd making me laugh. We open the the tomb as snakes jump up around us."And who...may I say released us...from our captivity,"the 2 head general asks. I hide behind Lloyd as he says "uh Lloyd and y/n,we released you to make the hypnobrai pay for betraying me." "Hey don't forget burning the monastery,"I say in anger."The hypnobrai? Those hypnotising'll be...our pleasure,"they say. Lloyd says "oh,good ill lead the way.There's some ninja I want dealt with." I get kinda worried about the ninja. The leader says "sounds know...what you want. But the hypnobrai are strong.And we are few in numbers...we need reinforcements." Lloyd says "what do you have in mind."

We arrive at a junk yard around an hour or 2 later.we soon hear 2 people talking.I look at them and think "oh no oh no oh no Jay's parents."We soon show ourselves I put a mask on to cover me face because they saw me when I visited them with Jay once when the ninja were still tasked with babysitting me I think like  around 4 years ago.I got bored so I go on my phone but soon fall sleep with my dragon while Lloyd and the 2 headed fangpire general talking. I wake up the next day to the ninja,wu and nya talking with Jay's parents about something then dodging a snake wrecking ball.

I stand next to lloyd with with my mask and hoodie on. Wu sees us and says "Lloyd!" Lloyd responds with "hello,uncle.Looks like we aren't the only family reunion.Im glad you brought the ninja.I could use some help taking out the trash." Wu asks "who is the person next to you?" I say "wow you don't remember my outfit Wu." Wu looks at us in shock saying "I know that voice, y/n!!" I take the mask and hood off "yep caught me ha ha." The ninja ask "why are you working with lloyd?" I respond "simple really i would only do it if my soulmate is..." nya replies "evil... Lloyd is your soulmate," I smirk and nod my head. Nya says "If we want to turn your parents back,we need the antivenin from the staff." Cole says "second dose to the dirt." Kai responds "easier said then done sis we're abit out numbered." Jay says "no one messes with my family."

I hear Wu playing something on the flute he has making my head hurt.I look at lloyd in pain from the sound so he puts rock music on over it helping me and tornada. Wu yells "young nephew, must I teach you whose side you should be on?" Lloyd turns the music up more and says "sorry uncle,can't hear you."

The ninja beat Lloyd again so he yells "retreat." I look back and feel bad for Jay's parents so I throws some curebiters (they are a type of snake that's bite can cure anything a serpentine did to someone or something.e.g. when turning into a snake- the thing/person get turned back). I get them back and leave but I looked back at the ninja and Jay as Jay seemed happy. Tears go down my face because I missed morro caring for me.I soon feel a hug from behind.I put the mask on and hood up then turn around to see midnight hugging me.I hug her back as I do she takes my mask off seeing I am crying. "You miss him don't you y/n," she asks me.I respond with a nod.She lets me hug her then I soon fall asleep so she holds me and the reins for tornada. The ninja go after the staff so they can try get the antivenom incase it happens again.

y/n x Lloyd season 1-16Where stories live. Discover now