into the breach

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Me and Mystery go into our oni forms.We end up meeting Midnight and Shadow who were in their oni forms as they explain what happens.We explore the darkness as Midnight explains to us where they must have gotten in from.We hide from the evil oni.We soon see Garmadon going into the darkness with Lloyd.We spy on Lloyd and Garmadon.We see they are going after the realm crystal so we follow.Lloyd and Garmadon finds out we are following them so we reveal ourselves.Lloyd luckily didn't recognise me...yet.We explained what we were doing and what our plan is. Garmadon kind of yells at Lloyd about bringing Borg.I say in a different voice " he has a point kid we need to not get caught by the other oni.The plan is to get in unnoticed go it." Lloyd nods as we continue walking.I grab Borg and quickly use airjizu to get out and giving Borg to the ninja.I manage to take the darkness out and we see he is going to awaken soon as his normal self.I return and go catching up.

We walk and come across some Oni. Shadow talks to them in their language giving us enough time to attack them.We calm Garmadon down before he kills his son.We get in the building and jump down.I tell Shadow and Midnight to stay with us while Mystery keeps the ninja safe from the darkness. We follow the darkness to the realm crystal.We get to the realms crystal.Garmadon tries to destroy the realm crystal but something stops him and pushes him back.I hide behind Lloyd while Midnight protects me and Shadow checks on Garmadon. We soon see an Oni leader. Shadow stops Garmadon from attacking the oni leader.He says " that is an oni leader called omega.They are an excellent fighter and Uncle Garmadon you may or may not be weaker than it." I hide behind Lloyd still and ignore what they say.The Oni soon grabs me and says " I see this one is your soulmate protecter in green." Lloyd found out I am Y/n...his soulmate.I say "I am sorry I never said anything."

y/n x Lloyd season 1-16Where stories live. Discover now