the attack

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I wait for the Cole,Jay and Zane to stop playing with the time blade. Lloyd shows up and tells them not to mess with the time blade and to hide it.I quickly take the time blade and try leave quickly but Wu get in the room before I could escape to room.I throw it up as Tyme grabs it but an egg appears so she runs out with me and Crono following.I get Tornada to come and she flies away with Tyme and Crono while I go after Acronix. I attack him and brake his Borg watch.Commander Macea grabs my arms before I could get away.I laugh but they don't know Tornada is flying away invisible with Crono and Tyme. I manage to get away and create my dragon.I quickly follow after Tornada to the base. We hide near the temple behind some rocks(where one of the many bases of the devourers are).

I go back invisible protecting Lloyd. I see he is falling so I show myself and go after Lloyd catching him.I say " you snakes are on my turf now." I laugh and continue " I can control the air." I use my power to make some tornados appear attacking and sucking all the snakes in and throwing them at the hands of time and the commanders.I hear Commander macea handing a flute to Krux.I look at it and retreat.I get to the temple when he plays.Me and Tornada start screaming in pain while the ninja aren't affected.I say " that flute is control any type of snake." The Devourers(snake members) start going to the flute as the ninja try stop me and Tornada.We break out their grasp and go to the flute.They were shocked that a dragon and girl were hypnotised until they found out we were bitten(Tornada because her tail,claws,fangs and eyes turned snake ones.Y/n because she grew a snake tail,her eyes changed to snake eyes and also that she grew snake teeth.) Tyme quickly stops time and takes the flute.The devourers get away aswell as Tornada.

The Devourers leave except for Tyme,Me and Crono. I see samaria x help the ninja fight then leave.They get hit but luckily Tornada flies them away before the snakes and hands of time get them. We soon see a snake try attack Wu so Tyme and Crono stop time as I throw the snake off the temple.I protect Wu until Krux and Acronix show up. Me,Kai and the time kids. The others go after the hands of time but they are suddenly infront of us.I get scared but still try protect Wu. They hit Kai away from me and Wu. A storm starts sricking at Acronix. Tyme slows down Acronix and take the time blades then hands them to me.I give (the speed up time) one of the time blades to Kai.I hit Krux with (the slow down time)a time blade. Tyme's power stopped. Acronix tries to attack Kai but Lloyd and Jay stop him. Lloyd says " Not so fast!" Acronix responds " Well,look at this.A child pretending to be a big,brave hero." Lloyd says" underestimating my fighting skills is a mistake." Acronix replies"says the boys who fell off his dragon." Before Acronix did anything I attack him and yell
"NO ONE MESSES WITH MY SOULMATE ACRONIX." I punch him into a tree.I throw the sword near his head and a bang his head against the tree then I go fight Krux. We soon lose the time blades and Wu.I sit on the ground and try make their ship go back but it fails.I then go after them with Crono ending up us getting caught. He gets off the ship with me quickly.We go back to the ninja safer but upset.

y/n x Lloyd season 1-16Where stories live. Discover now