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Chapter 19

His Majesty felt filial piety to the world, and the news of the immortal Yun Xiang immortal immediately caused a sensation in the imperial capital.

The storytellers in the teahouse followed the fashion, wrote newsbooks all night long, and the seats were full. The storytellers deliberately showed off: "Do you remember the time when Xie Xiaoye scolded the emperor at a banquet with naked clothes?"

The people below nodded sharply. Although Yun Xiang is a traitor, he is also a legend. His story is ups and downs and is well-known. Anyone who misses something will be ridiculed when talking to others.

The storyteller was extremely satisfied: "In that time, Xiaoye Xie said that Yun Xiangxian had talked to him about a dream before he passed away, saying that he accidentally got an elixir, and he would become an immortal in a few days. Now, it seems that Yun Xiangxian has ascended too far. It's gone!"

Everyone was dumbfounded.

The storyteller paced back and forth on the stage and sighed: "Yun Xiang is already in the class of immortals, and he lived a happy and happy life on that day, and the nectar and jade liquid, the beautiful fairy, are really envious of mortals, who can think of today's sage The merits of a generation of Ming monarchs will last forever, and God has blessed me with blessings and blessings. The saint made a sincere wish on the day of sacrifice to heaven, and his heart of filial piety towards Yun Xiang moved the gods. He returned to the mortal world so that His Majesty could serve as a filial servant."

There was a sudden silence below, and after a few seconds, someone finally woke up with a slap on the thigh, and shouted "Okay" excitedly. In this way, the cause and effect were connected, and everything made sense!

"Is Yun Xiang an immortal now?" the expectant child asked impatiently.

"That's nature!" The storyteller stroked his goatee beard and said proudly, "Yesterday, when Yun Xiang appeared in the world, it was an endless stream of fairy sounds, birds and beasts flying together, and in the beautiful morning glow, Yun Xiang was called a sparse one. Feng Langyue, immortal and arrogant, people can't help but want to worship!"

Everyone was in an uproar, and they all showed expressions of admiration and admiration.

A scholar slapped the table angrily: "It's all nonsense! If the traitor is dead, he will go to the eighteen layers of hell! Your remarks are full of flaws, and it's just a cowardly talk! If Your Majesty is really sincere and devoted to filial piety, why would you be there? After the traitor's death, the house was raided and the henchmen were liquidated??"

There was a burst of boos from the bottom, apparently thinking that what the scholar said was quite reasonable.

The storyteller was a little flustered for a moment. He was quick in his thinking and quickly defended: "A person dies like a lamp goes out. This person is like a lantern. Once the lantern is extinguished, the stains on the lantern will disappear. Although the cloud is..."

The storyteller is not as careless as the indignant young scholar, he hides the details of Yun Xiang's various bad deeds, and says lightly: "As the sage said, no matter how Yun Xiang is, in the end, His Majesty has an assistant to help him. Well, when Yun Xiang passed away, the sage paid great attention to love and righteousness. He naturally ignored those quarrels, remembering that Yun Xiang was so good in every possible way, it was the public that searched the house and cleared it up, right and wrong must be done. But it is private, it is the foundation of human beings!"

Everyone chewed on these words and nodded secretly, this is the truth.

The storyteller regained his confidence, pointed at the scholar, and raised his eyebrows and said: "Why do you not distinguish between public and private, and confuse them! It's just a vain scholar!"

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