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Chapter 77

The courtiers have been fooled and fooled for more than a year.

His Majesty's entire plan was so perfect that if the little prince hadn't called his initials, they would never have discovered that shocking secret.

The little prince is born from each other, so that all the oddities that are so small that they are almost negligible have been filled in.

If it weren't for the presence of His Majesty and Yun Xiang at this moment, they would have clapped their heads together, made a loud noise, and started a heated conversation.

First of all, the month of the little prince does not match.

His Majesty was only seven months pregnant, and the little prince was born. It was rumored in the palace that the birth was premature, and Shen Yuan said the same, but the ministers clearly remembered that the day His Majesty couldn't wait to carry the child out, the child was white and plump.

Apparently it was full term.

At that time, the courtiers thought whether it was a little old, but they were all men, and they had no idea how big a child born before full-term should be.

In this case, if the little prince is really full-term, count the next two months...

The courtiers coughed one after another.

Most of the courtiers have seen the more beautiful people, and even if they have not seen them, they have been popularized by their colleagues. At first glance...

The courtiers all looked at Yun Xie in black clothes.

Even with this color, the beauty of the cloud is still difficult to cover. The courtiers secretly hate themselves for being slow. Although His Majesty is also an extremely beautiful man, the beauty of the same cloud is by no means a concept.

Yun Xiang's appearance was clearly characteristic of some Jozhao fertile men, not to mention the suspicious little red scar at the end of his left eye.

I heard... that Yun Xiang's biological mother is also an extraordinary beauty.

A few courtiers in the crowd suddenly remembered that the night His Majesty announced that he was pregnant, they were waiting in His Majesty's palace when they saw Yun Xiang come out.

When the wind blew, they clearly saw the slightly raised belly of the cloud.

"!!!" The courtiers suddenly realized, their expressions twisted and weird.

That's not a Luohan belly, that's the little prince! !

Yun Xiang was already pregnant at that time, and at least three months! !

One after another, the coughing sound resounded.

Yun Xie originally wanted to cover up the embarrassing words and spoof this passage. Seeing the changes in the expressions of the courtiers, his heart suddenly turned cold. Thinking that they might have known that he was pregnant, he immediately turned his face away in shame. , I can't wait to find a ground seam to get in.

Xiao Rang felt a thousand cuts in Yun Xie's eyes, and his heart was full of bitterness but contradictory excitement, so that the raised eyebrows immediately exposed his true emotions.

Yun Xie's heart was like a mirror, and he gave Xiao Rang a vicious look. The dog thing was clearly intentional. He suddenly held this banquet without warning, and suddenly came over with the child and said that the child would bark.

As a result, when the child called the mother, it must have been taught by a dog.

He is a beast! !

Yun Xie was about to leave after holding the child, but Xiao Yunxiao in her arms didn't think it was a big deal, so she even shouted "Queen Mother" to Yun Xie.

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