CH:48{Until My Last Breath!}

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"Go Dragon Blaster! !" Issei shouts, shooting his Bishop cannons through the ceiling.

"Four Elements Fist! Elemental Spica!" Kenshin shouts punching through the floor.

The two attacks roared in their respective directions. Le Fay informed them that the devices had been destroyed and her, Sextum, Irina and Xenovia left.

Kenshin cracked his neck with a smirk and opened communications with everyone. "Ladies, Gentlemen. Let's go laugh in the face of death."

"Right, let's get out there and destroy that device and get out of here!" Azazel said stabbing his spear through the large window.

Rias, Azazel, Kiba, Akeno, Yukari, Evangeline and Chachamaru rush through the window while Kuroka,, Koneko, Vali, Asia, Miyuki, Hikari, Tamamo and Kazumi stayed behind. "Alright, everyone I've got eyes on all of you!" Kazumi said looking at her Sacred Gear's screen as she sent out camera drones. "Keep communications open and I'll make sure you don't get taken down! I'll be calling out patterns and strays so keep your ears open at all times."

Kuroka, Tamamo and Hikari set up a defensive barrier. Koneko moved forward and held Kuroka up along with Ravel.

"Ara? Shirone? Are you trying to help me?" Kuroka asked.

"I'm repaying the debt I owed you for helping me earlier. Concentrate on the defense. I'll support you with Senjutsu." Koneko said.

"And you?" Kuroka asked Ravel.

Ravel blushed in embarrassment. "I just feel like it, be grateful!"

"Nyahahaha. Very well, do as you wish." Kuroka said. "Shirone, would you like me to teach you how to use Senjutsu and youjutsu? I don't mind if you refuse."

"No, please teach me. I want to get stronger, no...I need to, even if it means relying on Nee-Sama." Koneko said.

"Hmph...even if I'm not in Balance Breaker..." Vali said extending his hand as several reapers charged them.

"Not alone you don't." Miyuki said doing the same.

"Do as you wish." Vali said with a calm smirk.

The two fire off a large blast of demonic power, obliterating the reapers. Ophis stepped forward and held her hand out. "I will not sit back." She said.


"What the hell? !" Kenshin and Issei both said seeing an explosion go off in the parking lot.

"Some of our allies were in that blast!" Kazumi said. "They're safe though."

Kenshin dropped his fist on Ophis' head. "Don't do unnecessary things, just stand back and let us handle this!"

"Fine." Ophis said rubbing her head.

"Alright Issei, let's get out there and dance." Kenshin said.

"Right!" Issei said as the two took off outside.

The two landed on the parking lot surface. Kenshin dove into the fray slashing and hacking at anything that so much as looked at him funny. He jumped into the air and flicked his naginata downward, covered in charms. "Bakahatsu Aikyou, Blasting Zone!"


The naginata detonated in a fiery explosion. "Nice!" Salamander whooped.

"Now clean them up." Undine said.

"Can do." Kenshin smirked, taking out two more charms. Spires of water erupted to life with strands of black inside them spurted to life and tore through any reapers dumb enough to be in the way.

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