CH:118{Between Two Worlds}

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In Yamatai

It was night time, it had been two days in Makai since they had arrived, so Tamamo suggested they all rest in Yamatai as their route had taken them close to it at her request. Kenshin had set up generators in all the rooms of Tamamo's house. He awoke and sat up. "Tamamo?" He looked around. The kitsune was nowhere to be found. Kenshin got up. He had remembered falling to sleep with her. He stood up and walked around Tamamo's house.

"..." Kenshin paused rounding the corner seeing a beautiful, long haired, fox eared figure standing before a koi pond. She sensed his presence and smiled, wagging one of her tails to call him over.

"Hello." Tamamo said.

"Heya...I woke up and you weren't even isolated us just so you could sleep with me." Kenshin said with a smile.

Tamamo giggled. "I know, I'm sorry, I just wanted a bit of time alone with you."

"You've got a bit of time alone with me now." Kenshin said.

"You know what I mean silly!" Tamamo giggled slapping him playfully with one of her tails.

"I know." Kenshin said.

"I've gotten my thoughts in order...I think it's best I say this now before we depart for the Deadlands." Tamamo said with a smile, turning toward Kenshin.

"Then...what's up?" Kenshin asked, smiling back at her.

Tamamo closed her eyes, holding her hands at her heart. "Kenshin...I always adored you. Every time your father brought you over with Sheena. I always enjoyed playing games with you or teasing you."

"Tamamo, that...doesn't exactly explain your feelings. It almost seems like you viewed me as a-" One of Tamamo's tails covered his mouth as she smiled.

"During the fissure, a lot of female youkai's targets or in other cases objects of affection were younger men." Tamamo said. "Considering my diminutive form back them. I considered taking you once or twice, but decided against it. Considering what you went through in Megalo, I didn't want to scare you, even if it was when you were older." Tamamo said before smiling. "I'm sorry. I have heat cycles too and considering my form at the time, you were perfect for me. I wouldn't try anything without consent though."

"'re talking to a guy who got molested by a snake youkai in Mundus Magicus. I could ask for much worse." Kenshin grinned. "You'd have been good."

Tamamo sighed with her eyes closed. "Yeah, I've heard about Yurina."

"It's nothing." Kenshin said. "She was five YEARS behind on her heat cycles, I just wished she had asked before taking me, coulda really done without the month long gynophobia." Kenshin said before sitting down.

Tamamo smiled and joined him, looking up at the moon. " you think it ever gets lonely up there?"

"Huh?" Kenshin asked with a curious look.

"The moon." Tamamo said, smiling at Kenshin. "One of your clan names means moon." Tamamo said smiling at him. "Do you think it gets lonely?"

"Tamamo?" Kenshin asked.

"Kenshin..." Tamamo laid her head on Kenshin's shoulder. "Answer my question." She said.

"Um..." Kenshin said. "...Yeah actually..." Kenshin looked up at the moon with a smile.

"It's pretty isn't it?" Tamamo asked as she got up and stood in front of the pond. Kenshin got up as well and looked at her. "It's always's important to my people as well...could it have a conscience?"

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