CH:65{An Army of Mimicry}

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Out in the ocean. Kraken and Poseidoness stood together underwater. "So, are you ready?" Poseidoness asked, already transformed into her beast form, multiple red tentacles spanning out in several directions.

"About as ready as I'll ever be." Kraken said. "What's taking Laura so long."

"The Drowned City is a ways away from here." The two turned to find a mermaid with dull blue eyes pale skin and a deep blue tailfin. "It's why I don't often come to council meetings in person unless my presences is implicitly requested."

"Aah, it's nice to see you Laura." Kraken said.

"My people are all in position." Laura said before looking above them. "What's going on there?" She said seeing ships.

"Above water support I guess." Kraken said.

"It is. One of the captains is a descendant of mine." Poseidoness said. "Pass the message along to your people that they are to avoid the barrels they're going to drop in the water."

"Aaah, Depth Charges." Laura nodded and got in touch with her general. "The ships above you are friendly, avoid their barrels, they're depth charges."

"Yes Laura-Sama. I will pass this intel along." The voice on the other line said.

"Hm?" Kraken looked out toward Hellgondo. "We got company."

"Finally." Poseidoness said.

"Is it the same for you?" Laura asked.

"Yes, I'm receiving reports from the our lieutenants that aquatic type youkai are pouring into the sea from Hellgondo." Her general said.

"OK, just like Akatama-San told us. Look for the core, destroy it and move on and keep an eye out for your clone." Laura said.

"Yes Laura-Sama."


Meanwhile, on the actual continent.

Everyone was rushing forward. "How much further Kenshin-kun? !" Kiba asked.

"Tamamo?" Kenshin said.

"It shouldn't be too much further now." Tamamo said. "Hellgondo, while it is the continent where the capitol is situated, it's also the smallest overall continent in Makai."

"Well there's your answer." Kenshin said.

"Hey!" Kazumi called out from above. "We got company!"

"Heh." Kenshin smirked. "Looks like Forbesii's rolling out the welcome wagon for us! PREPARE FOR BATTLE! !"

"PREPARE FOR BATTLE!" The battle cry spread throughout the Youkai Revolution.

"Kazumi do you see any targets we should be concerned about?" Kenshin asked.

"Hang on." Kazumi said. "...Not right off hand no, I'll keep you updated."

"OK." Kenshin said as he got in contact with the devils, Irina and Azazel. "Alright, this seems to just be a preliminary force. Take them down fast and move on."

"Got it." Rias and her peerage said.

"Understood." Sona and hers said.

"Roger that." Tamamo and the rest of Kenshin's peerage said.

"This should be simple." Vali said.

"Don't underestimate them too much. This is part of the force Forbesii kept here after all." Rasai said.

"Thanks Rasai I was just about to say that, but at the same time, Vali does have a point, if it's just ranks and files we might lose troops sure, but as long as we're careful we should be fine." Kenshin said.

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