Chapter 12

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In mid-October, the first monthly exam for the High School Attached to G University. The time is scheduled on Thursday and Friday. After the exam, there will be a holiday immediately. Because there are boarding students, morning reading and evening self-study will continue as usual.

On Thursday morning, Tong Shuo came to the classroom at the same time as usual. Stuffing the schoolbag into the empty drawer next to him, he turned his head and saw an apple and a post-it note in his desk.

On the sticky note, it says——An apple a day keeps the doctor away, cheers for the monthly exam! There is also a picture of SpongeBob SquarePants holding a refueling flag at the back. Slightly ugly, but the words are beautiful.

Tong Shuo was almost helpless. Ever since he refused Xie Zhixing to bring him breakfast that night, this guy stuffed him with things in different ways every day. Today a piece of chocolate, tomorrow a box of small cakes, and sometimes a row of AD calcium milk, today it is this apple.

Xie Zhixing's desire for reconciliation was so strong that Tong Shuo could hardly bear it. In fact, he was not angry with Xie Zhixing for a long time, it was just that he didn't want to get too close to him. But if Xie Zhixing goes on like this, he really doesn't know how deep he's going to get.

"What, Tongtong?" Song Fan, who had just entered the classroom, poked his head to look: "An apple a day, keeps the doctor away? What do you mean? You can't get a doctorate if you play on your iPhone every day?" Tong Shuo: ...

" Fanfan, read more books, I beg you."

"Temporary cramming is useless for me and other scumbags." Song Fan threw his schoolbag on the table, followed him on the table, and gave up on himself: "Even if I read books, I won't let you go." I can't pass the doctorate exam."

Tong Shuo: "..."

After the morning reading, everyone packed up their things and went to the examination room one after another. The school divides the examination room according to the results of the class, and Tong Shuo is the last one in the liberal arts class. Compared with the tense atmosphere in the first few exam rooms where people memorized things and discussed questions before the exam started, the latter exam room was much better.

Before the first subject, Chinese, Tong Shuo had already recited all the ancient poems and essays he had learned this semester, and he had memorized a few good sentences to use when writing essays.

This was the first time he treated the exam with such a correct attitude. Tong Shuo began to answer the questions in order after handing out the papers and having a good idea of ​​the composition.

He wrote one by one, and if he didn't know how to do it, he left it blank first, and finally finished the composition in an eloquent manner, and then looked back. Tong Shuo didn't stop writing until the teacher reminded him that there were still five minutes left for the paper - although he couldn't do some questions, he felt pretty good.

The mathematics test in the afternoon, because the scope is relatively narrow and the difficulty is not too great, Tong Shuo did it all the way until the last one and got stuck. At this time, many students in the examination room had already handed in their papers in advance. Mathematics is no better than Chinese. If you don't know the latter, you can make it up. If you don't know mathematics, you can't even create a formula.

Tong Shuo went back and forth to check the paper twice, and didn't stand up until the bell finally rang. He didn't finish the last big question. If he made one or two mistakes before, it shouldn't be a big problem to get a hundred and twenty-three.

Before going to bed at night, Tong Shuo recited the framework of politics, and felt that he was one step closer to his attic bed, which was great.

The small alarm clock next to the bed pointed to eleven o'clock, Tong Shuo sighed and picked up the phone, and it was no surprise that he received a message from Xie Zhixing again—good night baby, it's just that there are more exams today and tomorrow may Remember to bring an umbrella when it rains.

Staring at the message for a long time, he was still reluctant to delete the message. Tong Shuo put the phone on the bedside table and whispered "Thank you, boss, good night .


It was unavoidable for Tong Shuo to feel a little uncomfortable taking the combined exam of politics, history and geology for the first time. In addition, the content learned in the first year of high school was added to this exam, and the difficulty was more than doubled.

During this time, Tong Shuo only focused on reviewing the knowledge of the second year of high school, and the rest of the content was a bit confusing. Several multiple-choice questions were tossed with erasers or pressed "three long and one short to choose the shortest, three short and one long to choose the longest, neither long nor short Just choose C" principle.

After the exam, it was already raining outside, Tong Shuo wanted to thank the boss for the reliable weather forecast, luckily he brought an umbrella. I reached out and touched the net pocket on the side of the schoolbag, only to find that the umbrella I put in in the morning was gone!

Tong Shuo: "!!!"

During the exam, everyone's schoolbags were placed on the table outside. It is estimated that someone handed in the paper in advance and took away his umbrella. Why are you so wicked. Tong Shuo already felt that he did not do well in the comprehensive essay, but now he is even more depressed.

Upstairs, I watched all kinds of umbrellas pouring out of the teaching building, and then flowed towards the school gate like a stream, but Tong Shuo himself could only stand on the eaves and wait for the rain to stop, how angry!

The last English test starts at 3 o'clock, and he still wants to go back to have a meal and take a nap. The exam was not allowed to bring mobile phones, so Tong Shuo consciously left the mobile phone at home, and now he can't even make a phone call.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, the rain did not stop, and the noise of the teaching building began to gradually decrease. Tong Shuo gritted his teeth and stood up from his seat. The rain won't stop for a while, so he'd better go back by bus.

It takes more than half a bus stop from school to home. Tong Shuo's home is on the east side of the school, so he went west a few more steps and took the bus back, so as to avoid rain.

When they went downstairs, there were two girls chatting in front, Tong Shuo didn't care, but he heard Xie Zhixing's name inadvertently.

One of the girls said with a slightly regretful tone: "After the exam, I can no longer be in the same classroom with Xie Zhixing."

Another girl said to her: "Be content with it, you sat in front of him for two days."

"Hey, anyway, I didn't do well in the test this time, and I didn't know many questions. Maybe I can be in the same test room with him next time." "What if

Xie Zhixing passes the test?"

"No, he just transferred Class, I handed in the test paper in less than an hour today, and the last exam room is ready." "

That's nothing to be happy about, does he have a girlfriend?"

"As long as the hoe is good, no The corner can't be dug. Besides, didn't Xie Zhixing quarrel with his girlfriend?" "

How do you know? When did it happen?!" "

It's said on the post bar, everyone has seen it, don't you know?" "

No I know."

Tong Shuo, who had been listening silently: ...he didn't know either.

When the two girls went downstairs, they opened their umbrellas and left. Tong Shuo looked at the continuous rain, took a deep breath, put the file bag on his head, and rushed towards the school gate.

Rushing to the school gate in one breath, Tong Shuo rested under the eaves for a while, and when he looked up and saw the student store outside, he suddenly felt that he was an idiot—wouldn't he buy an umbrella if it was stolen? It's really stupid to take the exam.

Tong Shuo shook the water on the file bag. His shoes were already wet from running, the socks were tightly stuck to his feet and it was extremely uncomfortable, and his clothes were more than half wet. Holding the file bag in his hand, Tong Shuo took a breath and lifted his feet to run to the opposite side.

The sweater and hat were suddenly grabbed, and the rain on his head disappeared.

Tong Shuo looked up and saw Xie Zhixing who was holding an umbrella next to him. He was holding a packaged meal in his hand, and he seemed to have just returned from outside.

A week's review can't pick up much knowledge about science and technology, so Xie Zhixing handed in the papers in advance after finishing what he knew how to do, and went out to work. As a result, when he walked to the school gate, he saw Tong Shuo, who looked like a drowned chick, standing pitifully at the school gate.

Xie Zhixing looked at his wet clothes and frowned: "Didn't I tell you that it would rain?"

Tong Shuo looked up at him slightly, and the other side covered half of the umbrella on his head, and the other shoulder was soaked I didn't even realize it, it can be said to be very considerate. He sniffed and said aggrievedly: "My umbrella is missing."

Xie Zhixing was suspicious: "Did you block me?" That's why I didn't see the news.

Tong Shuo rolled his eyes left and right, and opened his mouth to speak.

"It seems so." Xie Zhixing sighed, "You hate me that much?"

"No!" Tong Shuo immediately denied it. Although it was true that he had been blocked, he was released again two or three days later. He just didn't know how to treat this person.

"It's fine if you don't have one." Seeing that he didn't speak for a long time, Xie Zhixing sighed and stuffed the umbrella handle into his hand: "Go home quickly, take a hot bath, don't catch a cold." Tong Shuo refused to accept

it , he was going to buy an umbrella. Xie Zhixing urged: "Hurry up, I'll find a classmate to take me to the dormitory later, and it's only a few steps away." The

rainwater slid down the umbrella and dripped on the other's forehead, rolling down along the beautiful lines on his face. Xie Zhixing was almost two years older than Tong Shuo, his face was between youthful and mature, and he looked very sexy, like a male model in a commercial for facial cleanser on TV, Tong Shuo's heart moved slightly.

No matter how many times he mentally constructed, he still couldn't completely remain indifferent to this face.

"Xie Zhixing." Tong Shuo stood in the rain with an umbrella and looked at the people under the eaves. He said, "You should study hard and don't mess around all the time."

Xie Zhixing paused, and said with a smile, "I know, you should go back quickly."

Seeing Tong Shuo holding an umbrella and joining the crowd, Xie Zhixing covered the packed meals for his roommates and ran into the rain curtain . Tongtong advised him to study hard, he must think his grades are poor.

While Xie Zhixing was happy, he was inevitably a little disappointed, but his low mood only lasted for a while. The future Tongtong is so good, he has to hurry up to catch up.


Tong Shuo went home and hung Xie Zhixing's umbrella on the balcony. Qin Man looked at it strangely: "Tongtong, this is not your umbrella, why did you come back in the rain?" "I lost my umbrella, this is a

classmate Here it is." Tong Shuo took the towel from Qin Man and wiped his hair, not knowing whether to be happy or sad.

Qin Man urged him: "Go take a shower quickly, I'll warm up the food for you, and you can eat it when you come out." After

taking a bath, Tong Shuo ate, slept for more than half an hour, and then went to school for the last English test. He spent two months abroad with his brother during the summer vacation this year, and went to the community to play with children when he had nothing to do. Now he still occasionally communicates with friends abroad by email. English can be said to be his strong point.

Especially the composition and reading feel very good, but some grammar and analysis are still a bit uncertain, but there must be no problem in the top five of the class. After all, there are more than 500 students in nine liberal arts classes, and their class can barely squeeze into the top 300 in the first week.

There is no need for self-study in the evening, and you can go home directly after the exam. Tong Shuo sits on the carpet in the game room and plays online games with Fa Xiao Wang Wenyu. By the way, he shares his joy that he may soon have a double wooden bed.

Wang Wenyu didn't understand this very much: "I can sleep enough on that bed, it's too small and narrow, and I can't even roll around happily. Do you have a tendency to be masochistic?"

Tong Shuo manipulated the characters to set up a street stall in Xinshou Village: "You three generations of rich people can't understand our hard and simple style. Besides, that bed is so good, I like it very much." "That's okay." Wang Wenyu was in the

field Seed medicine: "When you get married, I will buy you an extra-large bunk bed for you to use when your husband and wife quarrel." "

You should discount it to me." Tong Shuo suddenly became depressed. Not to die alone.

After two or three hours of tasking, Tong Shuo still failed to get out of Novice Village. Some players were so deceitful that they wanted to prosecute them. I haven't listened to the class yet."

"Then go ahead and listen to it." Wang Wenyu was infected by Tong Shuo's drive to improve every day, "If the effect is good, I'll buy a few lessons too."

Tong Shuo quit the game and went back to his room to do it. Half a math paper, paralyzed on the bed and couldn't help but want to thank Zhixing. Xie Zhixing looked really good in the rain, Xie Zhixing's umbrella was still on the balcony at home, Xie Zhixing had a fight with his girlfriend... that's right! Tong Shuo sat up from the bed, why did Xie Zhixing argue with his girlfriend?

The author has something to say: Xie Zhixing: Guess?

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