Chapter 57

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Because of the existence of Zhang Miao and Zhuo Xiaowei, Tong Shuo would not be so lonely in class 1. The three of them lived comfortably in the last row of the classroom all day long, holding gossip and snack sharing conferences from time to time, it was simply a liberal arts A mudslide in the rocket class.

These three people are lively and can't be restrained in the classroom. Tong Shuo has nothing to do, so he has to go to the original class to hang out with him, and then chat with Xie Zhixing from the next class. The two of them wear a pair of pants, and Zhuo Xiaowei is also happy Back and forth. Zhang Miao doesn't know many people, so she doesn't go out very much, but always likes to step on the dot to enter the classroom. As long as she comes, it's designated for class, and she doesn't need to look at the wall clock.

This day, Zhang Miao stepped in again. She ran into the classroom panting, slammed her schoolbag on the table, and then uttered an obscenity: "I'm so exhausted, that idiot of the student union, don't let me I met you."

Tong Shuo was gnawing corn, when he heard the gossip, he said,

"Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaable You'd better pray that I don't run into you." Zhuo Xiaowei, who was across the table ,

couldn't participate in the gossip, so he stretched his neck and shouted: "Hey, what are you two talking about?"

Throwing a book over: "Recite your book, blah blah!"

Zhuo Xiaowei, who was innocent, said: "..." Suddenly he was wronged.

"Calm down, let's go to the corridor and stare at him after class." Tong Shuo looked at him, "We'll beat him up if we recognize him." "That's interesting." Zhang Miao gently bumped

Tong Shuo with his elbow, Ask: "What's for dinner today?"

"Hey." Tong Shuo took out something from the drawer: "The pancakes and fruit downstairs in my house are delicious, but a bit cold."

"It's good to eat something, don't pick." Zhang Miao took the things over, took two more packs of milk from the schoolbag, compared the production dates, put one pack on

Tong Shuo's table, and threw the other pack to Zhuo Xiaowei.

Zhuo Xiaowei was quite happy with the milk at first, but when he saw the production date, he was depressed. Don't make the difference more obvious. Why does his bag expire tomorrow? He's sure that Tong Shuo's bag must not be, otherwise Zhang Miao wouldn't Pay special attention to the production date.

Why is there such a big gap between people? Zhuo Xiaowei bit open the bag and took a sip of milk. Before he could swallow it, he heard a roar from the side: "Zhuo Xiaowei! What are you doing? Don't you know the morning reading time? "

Zhuo Xiaowei:! ! !

You don't need to turn your head to know that it is Zhou Papi, the teaching director. The power of this Hedong lion's roar is no one else. Why is it so small? Aren't Tongtong and Zhang Miao also drinking, and Zhang Miao is still eating breakfast.

"Hold the book and stand outside the classroom to read." Zhou Haisheng hated iron for being weak.

Zhuo Xiaowei stood up depressed, and wanted to find a troubled brother for himself, so it would be nice to have someone chatting outside the station, but when he glanced to the side, Zhang Miao and Tong Shuo were sitting upright reciting books, and they didn't even look at him While taking a look, no matter how you look at it, you look like a good student, damn it, they are all dramatists.

Standing miserably outside the classroom watching Zhou Haisheng go to inspect the next classroom with his hands behind his back, Zhuo Xiaowei poked his head to look inside the classroom, Tong Shuo was covering his mouth with his sleeve and reading a book, why is he covering his mouth so well? Taking a closer look, Gou Ri's Tong Shuo was stuffing a milk bag into the sleeve of his school uniform and secretly drinking it.

Zhuo Xiaowei: "..." I feel that I have been deceived.

Tong Shuo quickly drank a pack of milk, took the bag out of the sleeve of his school uniform and stuffed it into a garbage bag hanging by the table, and asked Zhang Miao, "What do you do every night, why are you late every day?" Zhang Miao

chin Support reading on the table: "Study."

Tong Shuo didn't believe it: "You can put it down, what did you study?"

Zhang Miao said, "Chinese literature."


" As a result, I didn't finish the plot, and I couldn't help but read another chapter, and it ended up being one chapter after another, and it was already 2:30 in the morning when I realized it."

Tong Shuo was curious: "What kind of novel is so good?"

Zhang Miao raised her eyes to look at Tong Shuo, and her expression was a little weird.

Tong Shuo was still asking: "What, what ?


Seats are also arranged according to ranking. Originally, Xie Zhixing had no choice for the last place in class 30, but Jiang Minghao, who was the first in the grade, wanted to sit with him.

Everyone thinks that Jiang Minghao's brain is twitching. Whoever looks for the same table is not looking for the kind of subjects with good grades to complement each other. Although Jiang Minghao doesn't need to make up, but he won't be looking for Xie Zhixing. He is a junior in the class, and his study habits are the same as those in the class. Can it be the same? Is Jiang Minghao stupid? Besides, if two handsome guys sit together, isn't that a waste of resources? Jiang Minghao is really nothing!

Jiang Minghao didn't care, firstly, he had a good relationship with Xie Zhixing, and secondly, Xie Zhixing was able to rush from the bottom of the grade to the top 50 in just one semester, and it wasn't just hard work.

This morning Jiang Minghao entered the classroom with the registration book. Xie Zhixing was reciting the book and saw him asking, "I'm catching late students again." Jiang Minghao is the chairman of the student union, and he has to lead his staff to catch late students every week.

"Yes." Jiang Minghao put the notebook on the table, unscrewed the cup and drank a couple of sips of water, and said a little depressed: "Today, I ran into a scumbag who ran very fast when registering his name, and I don't know how high he is. , it's best not to let me bump into her at school, it's too annoying."

"As for you?" Xie Zhixing handed him the stool: "She has not been registered by virtue of her ability." He asked: "You have to check When will it be too late?"

"Soon." Jiang Minghao sat down and said, "The student union will elect a vice-chairman this week." Originally, the matter of being late was out of his control, and Jiang Minghao already wanted to quit However, Jiang Minghao got busy because of the incident at the New Year's Eve party. The vice chairman was not meticulous and perfunctory, and was dismissed by the teacher in charge.

Xie Zhixing was right. "In the future, the learning task will be heavy, and you won't be able to take care of it. You have to go to the university to practice."

Jiang Minghao nodded: "After the inspection by the leader, there will be nothing to do. I also told the teacher."

Xie Zhixing: " What inspection?"

"It is said that the new leader of the Education Bureau is here to inspect our school. He said it in the meeting yesterday, and the head teacher must have said it during the class meeting."

Jiang Minghao was right. Every class was assigning leaders during the class meeting that day. Check things.

The school stipulated that three people from each class should line up to welcome them. Yu Meihua asked who wanted to go in the class. Besides, it's been a week of continuous cold weather. Only fools would go out to welcome them, get cold and waste their study time.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Yu Meihua looked around the classroom. Tong Shuo accidentally raised his head and met Yu Meihua's eyes. He quickly lowered his head, feeling that the matter was about to end.

Sure enough, Yu Meihua tapped her finger in the air three times and said, "Tong Shuo, Zhang Miao, Zhuo Xiaowei, you three go."

Just like that, they were sent to work, and the three of them had no choice but to become welcome members, and were dragged to a meeting.

The time for the leader's inspection is arranged on Friday, and the whole school will be cleaned in the last class on Thursday morning. At this time, "the school is my home, and hygiene depends on everyone." Zhang Miao said while cleaning the glass: "Then when I am late, the school Isn't it my family?"

Tong Shuo imitated Zhou Haisheng while mopping the floor: "When you are late, Zhou Bapi will only say, 'You think the study is run by your family'?"

Zhang Miao scolded: "Damn double standard Dog!"

Tong Shuo comforted: "It's okay, you will sue when your father comes."

Zhuo Xiaowei was sweeping the floor in front of him, and he couldn't help laughing when he heard Tong Shuo's words: "No, you two are so educated. The director's joke is that it's been two weeks and I'm still not tired." He bragged: "It's my second uncle, did I say something?" He waved his broom and said, "It's all low-key and


Announcement was broadcast during the afternoon self-study The welcome people from each class went out to gather, and the others went to class normally, and they were struggling to move flowerpots and potted plants.

It rained last night, and it's cold outside now, Tong Shuo breathed out while moving, looking at the pile of potted plants in his mission area, he wanted to go up and do damage, he complained to Zhang Miao next to him: "Ten years of cold windows have not put I'm freezing to death, what should I do if I welcome a leader who wants to freeze me to death?"

Zhang Miao also shivered from the cold, and said, "Tiantian only engages in these formalisms, just wait, I'll sue when my dad comes."

Bought Zhuo Xiaowei, who covered his hands with his milk: "Hahahahahaha..."

Tong Shuo told Xie Zhixing that he had been arrested as a volunteer. After class, Xie Zhixing came out of the classroom to find someone. Jiang Minghao followed when he was tired from studying. After they came out to blow some air, the two walked to the avenue leading to the school gate. A classmate was setting up potted plants here. Jiang Minghao took a look and pointed: "That classmate, I remember him."

Xie Zhixing looked over and found that the classmate happened to be next to Tong Shuo: "In Class 1?

" Except for children, their head teacher is too rigid." For the Rocket class, the school defaults to not participating in this kind of activity. "Then what are you going to do?" Xie Zhixing asked: " In the past, I

remembered her name and said she was late?"

The girl who moved the flower pot miserably in the wind raised the corners of her lips and said, "Forget it, I can't stand the sky anymore."

Someone shouted: "Jiang Minghao, the director is looking for you."

"Here we come." Jiang Minghao responded with a thank you Zhixing said hello and left.

Xie Zhixing went back to the classroom to pick up a bottle of hot water and asked Tong Shuo to warm his hands. Zhang Miao was envious and jealous. He knew Tong Shuo and Xie Zhixing were good brothers. Not bad."

"It must be." Tong Shuo smiled while holding the cup.

Holding the flower pot, Zhang Miao complained: "The handsome guys are following the handsome guys these days. This is forcing us singles to die." "

Don't." Tong Shuo gave the cup to Zhang Miao: "You are warm, I'll come Move."

Zhang Miao was about to pick it up, when Xie Zhixing came over and said, "Both of you, rest for a while, I'll finish it in a while."

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