Chapter 48

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Tong Shuo explained for a long time and didn't know whether Zhuo Xiaowei understood or not. As soon as the performance started, he hung up his camera and ran away like a rabbit.

Xie Zhixing came back from the outside and waited in the backstage with Tong Shuo. He just went to check with the school logistics again. Although he was scolded by the logistics staff, he was finally asked to read the inspection records to make sure that everything had been checked. , Xie Zhixing was relieved.

Jiang Minghao and Qin Rong had already stepped onto the stage, the opening remarks were over, the music started, the actors came on stage neatly, and the first singing and dancing performance began.

Tong Shuo was listening to the music, moving his fingers nimbly in the air.

The coordinator came over and told Tong Shuo that he was supposed to be on the stage because there was one more show. Tong Shuo said yes, and the people also stood up from their seats.

Xie Zhixing raised his hand and helped him straighten his little bow tie on his chest. The two looked at each other and smiled. Xie Zhixing said, "Come on, little pirate.

" His pretty dimples.

The previous show ended, the music stopped, and Jiang Minghao stepped onto the stage to announce the curtain.

The spotlight hit him, and the prop group behind him began to lift the piano. Tong Shuo looked at the stage, and Jiang Minghao's clear and clear voice echoed in his mind. He heard Jiang Minghao say: "Next, I invite Tong Shuo, a student from Class 29, Senior High Bringing everyone the piano solo "He is a Pirate""

the curtain ended, and the applause sounded. Tong Shuo took a deep breath and walked onto the stage. black piano.

Standing still on the stage, he bent down and bowed to the audience, polite and elegant.

Song Fan came to occupy the seat early in the morning, and when he saw Tong Shuo on stage, he applauded him desperately, and kept elbowing Zhuo Xiaowei next to him: "Take a photo! Take a photo for Tongtong!"

Zhuo Xiaowei rolled his eyes, he can take pictures without the fat man telling him, okay?

Applause, screams and whistles came from all directions, Tong Shuo smiled slightly, went to sit in front of the piano.

The scene also became quiet. He knew that Xie Zhixing was listening in the background, and Li Jing and Qin Rong were also present... He closed his eyes, expelled these people from his mind, and imagined that in front of him was a piece of blue Caribbean Sea.

Raising his hand, the first note jumped out with the drop of his fingers, he was no longer nervous, and the subsequent playing was smooth and smooth, and many audience members closed their eyes and listened quietly... the command room in the background, the work of the student

union The personnel are also watching this scene.

Some people couldn't help sighing: "Actually, Tong Shuo is quite attractive when he is serious."

The girl who joked before that she wanted to have a date with Tong Shuo laughed and said, "That's not true." It wasn't that Xie Zhixing, that bastard who guarded the cub all day long, wanted to do it.

"Just be younger, otherwise I will start."

"Age is not a problem, does he not have a girlfriend yet?"

Zhuo Xiaowei, who went to the backstage to choose an angle to take pictures, held up the camera and looked at everyone with a constipated face—you stupid people Earthlings, you don't understand anything.

Tong Shuo's performance was done in one go, even those who had heard his performance in the rehearsal before were still shocked. The extremely dynamic percussion and slide in the climax part pushed the atmosphere of the scene to the peak.

In just a few minutes, everyone experienced a hearty journey, excited, chasing loss, Yang Fan forging ahead, and then with the disappearance of the Black Pearl, they returned to calm together with the blue sea.

Right now, Tong Shuo is on the stage, shining like a treasure...

Xie Zhixing leaned against the back of the stage with folded arms, and looked at the people on the stage through the curtain in the shadow. He remembered the scene when he saw Tong Shuo giving a speech in the playground in his previous life. At that time, he should have feelings for Tong Shuo. It's just that the gap between the two is too big, and he forcibly ignored that faint emotion until he met Tong Shuo again in the company many years later...

He was regretful and fortunate, if he could have seen Tong Shuo like this earlier in his last life, Then his love at first sight, wouldn't it be a full seven or eight years late, leaving so much sadness and regret in vain.

Thunderous applause overwhelmed Tong Shuo, he calmed down and stood up, bowed gracefully to the audience again, exited from the side of the stage, and saw Xie Zhixing leaning against the wall when he looked up.

Before he could ask, Xie Zhixing boasted directly: "It's great!"

He held up the candy bear proudly, "Of course." Seeing that Xie Zhixing was wearing his robe and gown, he asked him: "Are you going to play? "


After two or three shows, Xie Zhixing's skit appeared, although he was only forced to appear as a cameo, but Xie Zhixing's dazzling outfit caused cheers and screams from the audience as soon as he came on stage.

Tong Shuo couldn't hold back and secretly took pictures with his mobile phone in the background.

Xie Zhixing played the role of a patriotic young student. When he stood on the stage and shouted loudly: "Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world!", the people in the audience were all erupting: "

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Oh, how can Xie Zhixing be so handsome!"

"I want to go to the Anti-Japanese War after listening to it!"

"A skit actually makes my blood boil and I want to learn, is Xie Zhixing a devil?" "

I don't care, Xie Zhixing is my boyfriend, Do not accept rebuttals!"


Until the end of the performance and everyone left the stage, there were still people shouting loudly: "One more." The

city leader sat on the rostrum, feeling the lively atmosphere of the scene, turned around and smiled and said to the principal next to him: "You guys The school is really full of talented people, it is very important to pay attention to the cultivation of comprehensive qualities while studying." The principal nodded

repeatedly, and said very pleased: "The classmate just now is called Xie Zhixing, and he is a top student in the science class of the second year of high school. He is in the top ten of his grade. Miaozi."

The leader said "Okay, okay", and after the two said a few more words, they each sat down and continued to watch the show.

Yao Suyun, the director next to the principal, had a complicated expression on his face. Thinking of the dazzling Xie Zhixing on the stage, he couldn't laugh at all.

Tong Shuo and Xie Zhixing performed surprisingly well tonight, so much so that they performed several shows afterwards, and everyone still couldn't forget it. Someone recorded the video and felt that the following poem recitation was boring, so they simply turned on the video and watched it several times in a row.

The classmate next to her also came over to watch together, and said while watching: Xie Zhixing is really handsome, Tong Shuo is also handsome, if only he can have a date with Xie Zhixing, and then marry Tong Shuo - because Tong Shuo Shuo looks warm, but the point is that he still has money!

The male classmate in front of the two couldn't listen anymore, turned his head and said helplessly: "You two are almost done, can you give us a male classmate who is not handsome, not flirtatious, and not good at studying..." The

two A

girl screamed: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

" .

The male student turned his head in doubt, and saw Tong Shuo and Xie Zhixing taking the stage together again.

Male classmate: "..." Why is this not over yet?

Tong Shuo and Xie Zhixing's program was the penultimate one. The students who didn't get the program list didn't know that these two people would play again, and they were still together. Their excitement could only be expressed through applause and screams.

Tong Shuo was already sitting in front of the piano, waiting for Xie Zhixing to give him instructions to start. Xie Zhixing held the microphone in his hand, looked at Tong Shuo with a smile, and said to the audience: "Hi everyone, I am Xie Zhixing from Class 20 of Senior High, and my good friend from Class 29 of Senior High is performing with me. Tong Shuo."

At this moment, Xie Zhixing had changed out of the long gown, his hair was also pulled up, he was wearing casual clothes, completely different from the patriotic young man who was full of bookishness just now, but it was a different kind of youthfulness.

His voice was a little deeper than Jiang Minghao's, but it sounded better through the microphone, hitting Tong Shuo's eardrums one after another.

Listening to Xie Zhixing introducing himself, Tong Shuo felt a sense of happiness in his heart—Xie Zhixing was introducing himself to everyone, and they were going to perform together on this stage, just the two of them, which is great!

He sat on the piano bench, his fingers trembling a little. If he was the only one performing, he would definitely not be like this, but as soon as he thought that the person with him was Xie Zhixing, he would blush and his heart beat.

Xie Zhixing paused for a while, and waited for the applause and cheers from the audience to subside before continuing: "Today we will sing the English song "see you again" for you, I hope you will like it." He glanced sideways at Tong Shuo

, This signaled him to start.

Looking at Xie Zhixing's smiling face, Tong Shuo miraculously calmed down. He followed suit and put his fingers on the keys slowly...

After a soothing and melodious prelude like a trickling stream, Xie Zhixing held up the microphone and spoke, his The voice is clear and pleasant, and people can't help but immerse themselves in it as soon as they open their mouths:

"It's been a long day without you my friend, And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again..."

Someone in the audience sighed: "Fuck, open your mouth and kneel."

"Xie Zhixing's singing is too good Bat!"

"I just want to ask what he can't do." "

No, no, I'm going back to review Super 7, it's so fucking teary." "

Tong Shuo is also very good at playing, The little piano prince."

"What kind of fairy combination are these two!" "


Xie Zhixing didn't know what the people in the audience were talking about, and a sticky feeling surged in his heart. Turning his head to look at Tong Shuo who was quietly sitting there playing the piano, Xie Zhixing continued to sing: "We've come a long way from where we began, Oh I'll tell you all about it when I see you again..."

Love I don't know where to start, and go deeper and deeper. When I see you again, I may not tell you everything, but I will try my best to love you and protect you.

see you again, Tongtong, it's great to see you again.

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