Chapter 60

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Zhuo Xiaowei looked at his grade 25 ranking and didn't know whether he should like it or not. He has improved, but compared with the results of Tong Shuo and Zhang Miao, it is really not worth mentioning.

Knowing all the good friends is also a worrying thing, Zhuo Xiaowei lay on the table sullenly.

After the exam just a month ago, the most discussed topic in the past two days was the results. In addition to paying attention to their own class, the students in class 1 were also very concerned about the development of class 30. He got a dark horse, he is handsome and has good grades, and he directly entered the top ten."

"Yes." Zhuo Xiaowei nodded and said, "It's Xie Zhixing." He felt hurt again, like the dull head at the front desk. Those who study hard and don't hear anything out of the window know that Xie Zhixing is there. It can be seen how shocking his second grade exam is.

The front desk sighed: "This dude is amazing, I haven't heard of it much before."

Now it's the end of class time, and the discussion here, the students who heard it around gathered around.

"Then you are too ignorant, Xie Zhixing is famous, okay?" "

You understand, he devotes his spare time to games and novels, it would be nice to know Xie Zhixing's name." "

His video of the New Year's Day party I watched it, and he is really handsome."

"I heard that he is only ten points away from the number one Jiang Minghao, Jiang Minghao can't take the number one seat securely." "

They are both handsome guys and academic masters , Awesome."

"What is this, they are still at the same table, I saw it when I passed by class 30." "

Jiang Minghao was sure to win in terms of grades, but now that Xie Zhixing's grades are up, it's hard to say."

Xu Ying was also at the side, and she was unhappy when she heard this, so she snorted and said, "It's hard to say, but I just got second in the grade once, can I compare with Jiang Minghao? It's far behind." Zhang

Miaoxian He listened for nothing, and asked Tong Shuo: "Jiang Minghao, that's the reason."

Tong Shuo really couldn't understand the deep hatred between the two: "Jiang Minghao is very good, I just caught you for being late once, and you haven't been caught yet." Wait, why do you still hold grudges?"

"Is it because you caught being late once?" Zhang Miao hated Jiang Minghao when he thought of Jiang Minghao running to the exam room to tell her to cheer her up before the exam. people.

She said to Tong Shuo: "You're fine, urge and urge Xie Zhixing to study hard, and try to be the first in the grade next time, I'm so mad."

Tong Shuo wanted to cry, but no tears: "His grades are better than mine, I need to urge you to urge him Urge me to do it."

Zhang Miao patted him on the shoulder: "Good boy, just add the bottom side next time."

Tong Shuo wanted to die when he heard this, staring at the wrong question on the math test paper Beat your chest and stamp your feet.

The discussion over there is still going on—

"Jiang Minghao got perfect marks in the math test this time, and he is the only one in the whole grade


" "


Tong Shuo secretly took a photo of the wrong question to Xie Zhixing, saying, "I really want to die."

Xie Zhixing sent him an emoji of touching his head.

Jiang Minghao shook his head beside him: "Send messages across a wall, those who don't know think you two are dating."

At this time, the bell for class just rang, and the Chinese teacher walked into the classroom. Xie Zhixing put away his phone and twitched his lips: "We are just dating."

Jiang Minghao snorted: "You are so addicted to making a CP."

Xie Zhixing Kicked his stool to signal him to attend the class. After getting along for a long time, he realized that Jiang Minghao is not really a god. People who are not familiar with them are carrying it, and it takes a long time to reveal their true nature.

Jiang Minghao elbowed him and sat down to listen to the class.

The Chinese teacher took out two photocopied test papers and said: "These are two excellent compositions for this exam. I will ask my classmates to come up and read them. Listen to the advantages and learn from them.

" The test paper was placed on the desks of Xie Zhixing and Jiang Minghao: "You two read it."

Xie Zhixing took the test paper and looked at it: Zhang Miao, and then at Jiang Minghao's hand, the neat font was so familiar, it wasn't Tong Shuo And whose is it.

With quick eyesight and quick hands, he grabbed Jiang Minghao's test paper and stuffed it in his own hand when he was in a daze.

Jiang Minghao had already seen Tong Shuo's name, and immediately wanted to scold Xie Zhixing for being shameless. He also wanted to read Tong Tong's composition, and look at his hand, Zhang Miao? Who is Zhang Miao? Never heard of it, but the writing is pretty good.

Xie Zhixing has already stood up and started to read—

"There is a saying in Tang Dynasty poetry that 'the monk's house is cool and fresh, and the bamboo trees are new, and the dust has been washed away by the first rain'..."

Jiang Minghao listened, and the more he listened, the more he felt that the writing was good, and the materials were flexible and diverse , the paragraphs are clear, the theme is clear, and he can quote from the classics. He has never heard some poems before. The advantages of liberal arts students are brought into full play, which makes people feel inferior.

After listening to Tong Shuo's composition, and looking at his own, it is really stereotyped and can no longer be stereotyped: parallel sentences, syllogisms, they are all made up of hard words. Composition has always been a flaw in Jiang Minghao. can not say.

After Xie Zhixing finished reading, he began to sit down and admire Tong Shuo's test paper. Jiang Minghao stood up and continued:

"In the face of setbacks, there is a sense of sadness of 'looking for deserted and miserable relatives'..."

What the hell? It was so sad when I came up.

"There is the open-mindedness of 'bamboo sticks and straw shoes are light than horses, who is afraid, a cloud of mist and rain can be your life'." Yes, yes

, this poem has always been my favorite.

"There is also the unrestrained and uninhibited attitude of 'Laughing up to the sky and going out, we are from Penghao people'."

Not bad, there is something about this Zhang Miao, he continued to read:

"There are nine out of ten unsatisfactory things in life. Whether to face setbacks and move forward bravely, or to waste time with hesitation, worry and anger, this is not a problem of the environment, but a problem of the heart..."

Originally, Jiang Minghao had the mentality of reading casually, the more he admired Jiang Minghao, he was so talented .

The two articles have their own characteristics. Tong Shuo's literary background is rich and citing extensively, while Zhang Miao's reasoning is strong and thought-provoking. It is no wonder that both of them scored 52 out of 60 points for the composition. Those who can reach 50 are rare.

Thinking about it again, isn't the person who is one point higher than him in English this time the one in Class 1 named Zhang Miao? He doesn't know much about the people in Class 1, he only knows Tong Shuo Zhuo Xiaowei, and the number one student in the liberal arts class Chen Tianzi, who is this Zhang Miao?

He turned his head to look at Xie Zhixing, could it be the same existence as this guy?

Jiang Minghao fell into deep thought.

When class was over, he asked Xie Zhixing: "Do you know Zhang Miao from the liberal arts class?"

Xie Zhixing stopped writing and looked at him.

Jiang Minghao's expression was unnatural: "It's not good to make friends."

"Of course." Xie Zhixing didn't just know each other, he even had contact information.

Thinking of Tong Shuo's aggrieved expression when he sent him the photo of the math test paper, Xie Zhixing said: "I know you must know each other. Introduction is also fine, but there is a condition." "Say it!" "Take your high school


notes Make a copy for me."

Xie Zhixing is not bad at math, and he got 140 this time, Jiang Minghao wondered: "What are you doing? Selling money?" Some high school students' notes can be sold with a clear price after graduation, and the number one It's even more hyped.

Xie Zhixing said yes, "Sell it to Tongtong."

"He gave you the money, you are so brave to take it." Jiang Minghao immediately agreed when he heard that it was for Tongshuo: "You wait until I get back from school to look for it, and I will give it to you when I get it all together."

Next night self-study Tong Shuo went home with Xie Zhixing. When they reached the intersection, Xie Zhixing grabbed Tong Shuo's schoolbag and said, "Go to my place for three nights, and I will make up math for you." Tong Shuo's exam this time is

math After being dragged down, his total score was 15 points lower than that of No. 1 Chen Tianzi. He was 142 in mathematics and he was 120. Thinking about it is uncomfortable.

But if Xie Zhixing wants to make up lessons for him, he should go to his home to make up lessons. This happiness came too suddenly. If he had wings now, he might have to fly with waves.

Going to Xie Zhixing's house to make up lessons, lonely and widowed, I was a little excited when I thought about it.

After being excited for a day, Tong Shuo was so depressed that he wanted to die. Xie Zhixing sat on the desk opposite him, flipped through a page of the book and said, "Do the questions quickly, and you can eat after you do it." "You are child

abuse !" Tong Shuo thought that they would chat and study together like they usually do their homework, like dating and falling in love, but Xie Zhixing really gave him extra lessons in a serious manner, confiscating all the snacks on his mobile phone, and assigning tasks every day.

Obviously at home, it feels worse than at school, and there is no such thing as ambiguous interaction between lonely men and widowed men, so what is the point of his agreeing to come here for three nights.

After a few quarrels, he was suppressed crazily. His mouth was parched, and he sat on a chair with his cup in his arms to drink water. While drinking, he forced: "We agreed to help each other, am I not your baby? Baby wants to eat some snacks What's the matter? Don't you want to study happily?" While talking, he stretched out his paw to get his schoolbag, which contained the food he bought for self-study next night.

Xie Zhixing dragged his schoolbag behind him: "Just make up for it when you make up lessons, and you can do whatever you want after today's task is completed."

This tone was too much like his father Tong Rongxuan, who reflexively rebelled: "After studying, I will talk to Master Playing games, I don't take you with me."

A bunch of brain cells died and after Xie Zhixing's exercises, Tong Shuo finally happily returned home with his schoolbag on his back, and sent a message to Yue Lixing on the way: "Let's play games on weekends, Master , I took a girl with me, but she was cruel."

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