Chapter 70

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After the summer vacation, the group of them entered the third year of high school. The college entrance examination is getting closer, and the pressure is also increasing. The sports meeting at the beginning of the school is one of the few times when everyone can relax. The only trouble is that there are few boys in the liberal arts class. Tong Shuo and Zhuo Xiaowei are forced to arrest young men— —The teacher forced the boys in the class to apply for at least one project.

I can't jump high jumps, and my balls are easy to get stuck in the hurdles. Tong Shuo thought about it and finally chose a 4*400-meter relay with a lower degree of difficulty. When I went back to school and told Xie Zhixing, I was still excited because I took out some work for myself: "I'll still be playing as a doll, it must be very fun."

Xie Zhixing doesn't know if it's fun, but it must be very tiring. He asked Tong Shuo, "Are you alone?

" There's Zhuo Xiaowei." Tong Shuo held a box of fish balls and ate them with sticks as he walked.

Xie Zhixing said with a smile, "It's just you two." The enthusiasm for participating in the school's group activities, Class 1, has never been high, and it's just these two silly boys who are happy every day.

Tong Shuo's eyes lit up: "It is said that the prize for the first place in the 3,000-meter race is a jersey signed by Messi." "

Yes." Xie Zhixing said, "It was sponsored." Some inside information.

"Really." He finished eating the fish balls, and excitedly waved the bamboo stick in the air: "That's Messi, my God!"

Xie Zhixing asked, "Want it?"

"If you want it, you can't." He threw the bamboo stick into the trash can from a distance, stretched out three fingers to Xie Zhixing, and said with an exaggerated expression: "Three thousand meters, my God, is this going to kill me?" "That's really terrible.

" Xie Zhixing rubbed his head and said with a smile.

"Isn't it?" He shook his head and rubbed against Xie Zhixing's palm. After returning from the trip to Rome, the relationship between the two seemed to be much closer.

Before the sports meeting, each class has to do a lot of preparation work, including thinking about the slogan of the sports meeting. Liberal arts students are good at this aspect, everyone actively offers advice and suggestions, and various slogans emerge in endlessly: there is a well-regulated "friendship first, competition second", domineering and rude "elimination of violence and safety, the strongest in the class, those who follow me will prosper, and those who oppose me death." There is also a children's version of "Grand Three Class One is beaming, beat the other class Big Big Wolf."...

Finally, the homeroom teacher made the decision and settled on Chen Tianzi's proposal: "Never give up!" Never give up on learning.

The games were originally scheduled to start on Wednesday morning and run for three days, ending Friday afternoon just in time for the holiday. On Tuesday night, each class began to prepare actively, blowing up balloons to make class signs, and getting the banners back from the store early, waiting for the opening ceremony to be unveiled the next morning.

However, the weather was not good, and early the next morning, when everyone was gearing up to show their talents, it started to rain outside.

"I can't believe it."

"Why does it rain in our school every time it's the sports meeting? Don't you plan to let us go in the last year ?


Putting on Kumamon's doll costume, he was running around the class to greet everyone and take pictures, just like the mascot of the class. It was a little hot in the thick clothes, but it felt a little refreshing when it rained, but I couldn't go to the playground happily.

The school radio notified everyone to go to self-study first, the head teacher went to the classroom to maintain discipline, and the opening ceremony will be held after the rain stops.

As soon as Yu Meihua entered the classroom, she saw Tong Shuo bouncing up and down on the podium. He was wearing a doll costume and tilted his head to show his cuteness. come out.

With this smile, the students in the class became bolder and asked the teacher if they wanted to take a photo with Tongtong.

Yu Meihua didn't refuse either. Although she was strict on weekdays, she was very kind to the students. The students usually had heavy learning tasks, and it was rare for them to be so relaxed. She didn't want to spoil everyone's happiness.

"You can take pictures." Yu Meihua closed the classroom door and said, "But keep your voice down. Director Zhou is patrolling the teaching building." In the hearts of the

students in the attached middle school, Zhou Haisheng was like a wolf grandmother when he was a child. As soon as Yu Meihua said this , Everyone really calmed down a bit.

But I didn't even bother to study, so someone suggested to find someone to sing. Chen Tianzi refused for a long time, and was the first to get on stage. She blushed slightly, and sang "Invisible Wings" by Angela Chang, hoping that everyone will work hard and achieve ideal results in the college entrance examination.

Before this, the students in the class thought that Yu was so talented and cold that it would be embarrassing to call her on stage, but when the girl's green voice reached the ears, everyone began to listen quietly, and finally some people sang along. It is everyone's best wishes to each other, and it also belongs to their youth.

After Yu's talent is Tong Shuo, he is young, and everyone knows his personality after getting along with him for a long time. Everyone likes the pistachio in this class very much, and clamors for Tong Shuo to have one.

"I've already been here." He hugged the doll's head and said, "I haven't charged you for taking pictures." "Are

we in charge of your charges?" Some students booed from below: "How about you and Zhuo Xiao Wei, let's have a cross talk."

"No, no, no." Tong Shuo refused vigorously, and put the doll's head on the upper set of tables to pretend to be dead.

Everyone was provoked by his actions and laughed, and the atmosphere in the classroom was unprecedentedly active.

Yu Meihua leaned against the door of the classroom and looked at the group of students, with a smile unconsciously on her face, it's nice to be young.

The rain has been pattering for nearly two hours, and it finally stopped during the third period. The broadcast informed everyone to go to the playground to prepare for the opening ceremony, and then go down for various competitions.

According to the class, Class 1 is the first to enter the stadium in the third grade. Some people have found out early on that the Kumamon next to the team is Tong Shuo. He is also a celebrity in school now. He was warmly welcomed by everyone as soon as he entered. After the phalanx was finished, many people came to take photos with him to amuse him, and he ran around after him. After a while, he became exhausted and gasped for breath.

Sitting on the steps in the corner with a book to rest, Tong Shuo began to think about whether the decision to make a doll by himself was a bit hasty. He looked up at Zhuo Xiaowei who was not far away, and that guy was lying on his side on the table to rest. He pretended to be Mickey Mouse, and I saw that Mickey Mouse had his head on his elbows, and one leg was dangling in the air. Even taking pictures with people was very perfunctory like scissorhands, and he would never stand when he could lie down, which was quite unprofessional up.

He wondered if he should also find a table to lie down on, but he didn't seem so tired, and it was quite fun.

"Drink some water." At this time, a bottle of water was handed to him.

Tong Shuo raised his head and looked at the person in front of him through the eyes of the doll. Xie Zhixing was wearing gray sweatpants with white stripes and white short sleeves today. His exposed arms had smooth lines, full of muscles but not strong.

How come even the arms are so beautiful.

He reached out to get water, but Xie Zhixing had already unscrewed it for him: "Take off the headgear, how can you drink like this." "

No way." He propped up the doll's head a little with his hands, exposing only the chin and lips and said: " After picking it off, everyone will know that the sand sculpture that twisted around just now is me, so I can't be a person."

"The burden of being an idol is quite heavy." Xie Zhixing said in his heart that even if he didn't pick it off, there are many people who know it's you. He squeezed Xiong Xiong's hand and said, "Then I'll feed you."

"No, no, no." He was so embarrassed in broad daylight, put his hands together and said, "I can drink it myself, but it's a bit of a struggle."

Xie Zhixing ignored him, and directly passed the water to his mouth, saying: " Open your mouth."

He swallowed, and opened his mouth obediently.

The girls who had been secretly paying attention to Xie Zhixing were excited, clenched their fists and said in a low voice: "It's too warm for Xie Zhixing to feed the doll." "If I knew it,

I would have gone to play the doll."

"Really He's so handsome!"

"Damn, I want to marry!"

Tong Shuo drank half a bottle of water, "Okay." He put the doll's head down.

"Do you want me to stand for you for a while?" Xie Zhixing was afraid of tiring the child.

"No, no, no." After recharging and reviving with full blood, he wanted to end up jumping again. After all, there are not many times when he can let himself go like this.

Seeing that he was so interested, Xie Zhixing didn't try to persuade him any more, he just told him not to tire himself out, he was assigned a job in his class, so he had to pass.

Turning the voice and walking two steps, Tong Shuo suddenly called him from behind: "Thank you boss?"

"What's wrong?" Xie Zhixing turned around.

Tong Shuo, who was wearing a doll costume, suddenly rushed up and hugged him.

Onlookers:! ! !

"Damn it! Our school grass was hugged by a bear."

"The point is that the school grass laughed, so fucking laughing."

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, the bear slapped the school grassroots on the back."

"This is so unbearable."

Xie Zhixing was stunned, not only let the bear in front of him hug him, but also stretched out his arms to hug him back. Unfortunately, the bear's waist was too thick to completely surround him.

Tong Shuo was also impulsive, and quickly let go when he was done. When he looked up, Xie Zhixing was actually laughing. He patted Xiong Xiong's shoulder: "Okay, let's play, don't be too tired.

" Hehe, I ended up bouncing around. I just hugged Boss Xie. Although there was a doll costume that got in the way, I really hugged him.

Zhuo Xiaowei, who was sitting on the table and being ripped off by the school teacher's son, said, "..."

I really don't want to eat this bowl of dog food, it's okay to be hugged in public.

Zhuo Xiaowei was attacked violently, and planned to ask Zhang Miao to condemn Tong Shuo together, and to be lazy by the way.

Going around the grove to the school pavilion, I happened to see Jiang Minghao handing the dismantled cutie to Zhang Miao.

Zhuo Xiaowei: "..."

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