Chapter 28

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Since he was transferred to Class 10, Xie Zhixing has devoted all his energy to studying. Dong Chenggang advised him at first: "I'm almost a buddy. I'm only a sophomore in high school. I'll have time to study in the future. Don't worry about it right now, huh?" Xie

Zhixing Not only did he ignore him, but he also dragged Dong Cheng to study with him whenever he had time, and even ignored the younger brothers in the class, which was very insane.

Everyone didn't pay much attention at first, until one day a classmate accidentally discovered the truth...

During the class break, the classmate grabbed Dong Cheng's younger brother with great interest: "Let's go to the Internet cafe after school." Internet friends, often meet to go to Internet cafes together, so he just told the other party that he would go back to his seat after speaking, but the younger brother refused him very firmly and decisively: "No, I will make up lessons with Brother Dong after school." That

classmate Immediately became unhappy: "What the hell, why did you just abandon me like this?" After thinking about it, he said again: "That's okay, I'll go with you, and we will form a team to have a gangster at night." There were many people and it was lively.

The little brother looked at him in surprise: "No, we don't go to the Internet cafe."

The male classmate was shocked: "What? Do you surf the Internet at home? You are so brave. My mother found out that she could break my leg." "

No." The little brother The face was full of the positive light of the prodigal son: "We are really making up lessons." He also emphasized : "Learn! study

! Do you know?"

"Aren't you possessed by someone? You still study, I'll give you what you can do."

The younger brother was not happy: "What's the matter with just studying? Brother Xie has improved in ranking and led us to play black." It is very tempting.

The classmate was heartbroken: "Er Gouzi, you have changed, we can no longer play happily together." In the past, we could open the black game for several days a week, so how can it be so happy to play games for one day now.

The little boy who was called Er Gouzi had firm eyes: "We are students now, the most important thing..." "

Okay, okay." The classmate waved his hand, "Don't talk to me so much, you go to study, I Go up your own score..."

After he finished speaking, he returned to his seat and was still depressed. He was a good person, but how could he be tortured by his studies? Er Gouzi used to be good, but since Xie Zhixing came, the group of people are all It's not normal, Xie Zhixing is simply poisonous.

"What do you say Xie Zhi is doing?" The classmate was puzzled, and asked his deskmate: "Is studying so fun?" His deskmate

was a very beautiful girl, and her grades were also among the best in the class. She was copying notes , Hearing what his deskmate said,

he replied : "Then playing games is fun?" What?"

"I don't know what the other top students are thinking." He suddenly turned around at the front desk: "But I probably understand what Xie Zhixing is thinking." "What?" the

male student was curious, and the female student next to him also asked. I stopped writing.

"I heard it's because of his girlfriend." The desk at the front looked up at the pile of books before lowering his voice and said, "Didn't Xie break up in love a while ago? I heard that her girlfriend gave him a green, because she thinks he's studying." Not good..."

"Are girls so snobbish these days?" The male student sighed, "Although Xie's grades are not good, that face is really handsome..." "No nonsense?

I am a female student in the first year of high school Even if I want his contact information, then I will know, besides, even if I know, I won't tell her..."

"Hey, we don't understand the world of Xueba."

The two sighed indiscriminately, and the female classmate next to him lost his mind at some point, staring at the name of Xie Zhixing on the title page of the notebook he was copying. daze.

Xie Zhixing doesn't have the habit of taking a nap, he lives outside, but he still eats in the school cafeteria. Tong Shuo didn't come to school after eating once. He ate quickly by himself, and returned to the classroom after delivering the plate. He had to hurry up and study hard for the monthly exam this weekend.

Class 10 didn't have too many people studying in the classroom at noon. When he entered, there were only two or three of them. One was Sun Min, who was number one in their class in the last monthly exam, and the other was an insignificant male student.

Going back to the seat and sitting down, I took out an English exercise book. I was not so clear-headed after eating, so I was not suitable for mathematics, physics and chemistry.

Just after reading the questions and options, a figure appeared beside the desk.

Xie Zhixing raised his head, and Sun Min, who was wearing a beige jacket, was holding a book and looking down at him.

Xie Zhixing stopped writing and asked, "What's the matter?"

Sun Min nodded, not shy, as the two were not at the same position, so she simply hooked her foot on the stool and sat down at Xie Zhixing's front table: "Your comprehensive notes I read it, and there are still some problems in some places, do you need me to explain it to you?"

Xie Zhixing's notes were rough, he didn't have the habit of copying formulas and theorems one by one, and only picked out what he didn't know. Some time ago, I was filling up the knowledge of the first year of high school again. The notes seemed disorganized and there were many basic things. Sun Min naturally thought that his foundation was poor.

Thank you Zhixing for the kindness of the classmate who offered to make up lessons for him, but he has his own review plan, and he instinctively feels that girls should be kept at a respectful distance—although Tongtong is not his date yet, he still has to be strict with himself, Don't make Tongtong feel like she's flirting all day long.

"Thank you." He smiled politely: "But it's not necessary." Just

a few students came in from the back door of the classroom after playing ball and heard this sentence, and the person walked up to the two of them with a loud voice: "Thank you, Zhixing. It's ok, you reject

all the flowers in our class, and others can't make up if they want to." After he finished speaking, he looked at Sun Min: "Hua'er, look at me, can you make up for me?" I was angry when I refused, and now I was smashed by others. She had a strong self-esteem, and felt that she couldn't hold back her face when people said that, she stood up suddenly, and said to everyone: "I love your sister." Then she turned and left.

The few boys who were yelled at were taken aback. The one in the lead was interested in Sun Min, but being yelled at by the goddess like this was not good for him. He couldn't lose his temper with the goddess, so he could only vent his anger on Xie Zhixing.

As a transfer student, although Xie Zhixing was very popular with the girls in Class 10, the boys didn't like him as an outsider, except of course Dong Chengnabo.

He immediately turned on the taunting mode:

"What are you dragging, do you really think you can get the first place in the class? The first place in the class is useless, you should be dumped or you should be dumped." "Hahahahaha." Followed

him Several people also laughed, there were so many of them, so they didn't have much fear of Xie Zhixing: "Brother Xie is so prosperous and still gets dumped, tsk tsk tsk, it seems that a good-looking face is not necessarily useful. "

"So, hasn't he started to study?"

"Yes, yes..."

Everyone talked to each other, and when Xie Zhixing didn't respond, they spoke more vigorously.

Xie Zhixing was born again, he was several years older than this group of students, he didn't want to argue with them at first, but this group of people was so noisy that he couldn't even finish the questions.

"Shut up!" Xie Zhixing looked up at the leader, and could clearly feel the anger and displeasure in his eyes. As soon as he spoke, the group of people also fell silent. The two looked at each other for a moment, and Xie Zhixing said coldly: "Don't give me shame.

" Passing the basketball in the hands of the classmate next to him, he threw it at Xie Zhixing! They are so numerous that they are not afraid to fight.

The basketball was spinning fast in the air, and there was still the sound of the wind. Several other people stood by and didn't dare to speak.

Xie Zhixing turned sideways, although he was very close, but did not hit him, the basketball hit the corner table with a "bang", then fell to the ground with a few bangs, and rolled for a while before being blocked by the table and chairs Down stopped.

Several students studying in the classroom were startled and turned their heads to look behind.

Xie Zhixing still had that cold look, he didn't intend to argue with this group of people, but it would be very wrong for the other party to hit them first. With a sneer, he left his seat, picked up the basketball, and threw it at the leader classmate under the gaze of everyone.

He is arrogant in his bones, he is not a quail character at all, and he can't reach the state of self-sacrifice. If someone touches him a foot, he must return the other foot.

The speed of the basketball was so fast that the classmate instinctively blocked it with his arm and cursed, "Damn it." He was about to go up and start. "Yo, what are you doing here?" Dong Cheng suddenly appeared at the door of the classroom with his younger brother, leaning against the door frame and asking, " You've

been playing basketball in the classroom?"

With prestige, that classmate also knew that Dong Cheng was walking close to Xie Zhi, and now that Dong Cheng was also with someone, he really didn't dare to move for a while, but just glared at Xie Zhixing viciously.

Xie Zhixing ignored him, walked around a few people to the door of the classroom, and went to talk with Dong Cheng on the railing.

"You can have a good temper now." Dong Cheng admired Xie Zhixing: "At that time when I was fighting with me, it was so easy."

Xie Zhixing looked at his intact arm from the side, and said: "I'm getting old, I can't move anymore. "

Dong Cheng snorted: "Pull you down, you'll talk to me all day."

A few people in the classroom couldn't make a fuss anymore, and someone went to pick up the basketball and hand it to the boy who just made trouble.

He stretched out his hand to catch it, but when he moved his arm, the pain was severe. He gritted his teeth. When Xie Zhixing hit him just now, he was really unambiguous. He turned his head and looked at the two people standing outside the classroom. The basketball hit Xie Zhixing on the back of the head.

Xie Zhixing was talking to Dong Cheng, when he suddenly felt the wind behind his ears, he instinctively pushed Dong Cheng to the side.

The basketball lost its focus, crossed the railing and drew a parabola in the air before falling straight down.

Xie Zhixing turned his head to look at the culprit in the classroom, and just as he was about to speak, he heard a scream of "ahhh" from downstairs, followed by a commotion.

The two hurriedly lay down on the railing and looked down, and saw a group of people gathered together, with two people and a ball standing in the middle.

Someone raised his head and shouted upstairs: "Who threw the basketball, do you know if it hit someone?

" ran downstairs.

Dong Cheng had no choice but to follow up, and asked him while running: "Why are you in such a hurry? You didn't drop the ball."

Xie Zhixing stepped up two or three steps, and said in a hurry: "The person who was hit is Tong Tong. !"

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