Always there chapter 14

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Always there
Chapter 14

Two weeks later...

Shelby POV


That's it I've had enough I will be having words with him I don't have to put up with this shit and I know he's doing it just to piss me off. When things finally quiet down next door I grab my key and walk next door.

Bang bang bang

"What the fuck woman?" Norman opens the door in his boxer shorts. "What the fuck are you doing banging on my door?"

"Oh am I bothering you? Am I a little noisy fucking what a shame that might be? Can you kindly duct tape your whores mouth shut? I'm trying to sleep and I can hear you two going at it like animals."

"What you jealous?"

"I wouldn't be jealous of you if you were the last man on earth."

"So if I did this you'd feel nothing?" He comes up to me and touches my breast my nipple hardens as soon as he does. "Yeah you might be saying no but your body misses me. Give it what she wants."

"Fuck you. You know stop touching me. You know that can be considered assault Norman."

"You already did that sweetheart. Wanna do it again?" I slapped him.

"I'm asking you to keep the noise down or two can play at that game. Alex will be here tomorrow I might just have to make some noise myself."

"Sure you would. You were never a screamer with me."

"Maybe you didn't make me scream. You aren't that good mister. Good night." I turn and walk back to my room. Argh, that man infuriates me. I decided to check and see if Alex will be here tomorrow don't wanna be saying stuff like he will be here and he doesn't show. Norman will just use it against me.

Ring ring

"Hey, Shelby. How's my beautiful girl?"

"Missing her ninja. Are you still coming tomorrow?"

"Yeah, I wouldn't wanna miss you or the tournament."

"But you miss me right?"

"Yeah what's wrong Shel?"

"Oh, nothing. I'm a little sad that's all. I need a hug. What can I say I miss you. I am sorry but I do."

"Hey, I miss you too babe. There's nothing to be sorry about. Are you going to be at the airport tomorrow?"

"I plan on it I'm not on set tomorrow so I should be. But if it changes I will tell you okay."

"You sure you are okay babe?"

"Oh I had a run-in with Norman, he's in the room next door and the chick he's with is a screamer."

"Like you huh?"

"Oh, I could give her a run for her money. I'm much better."

"So you wanna make some noise huh?"

"I wouldn't say no to it."

"I'll eat you so well that the neighbors will know my name."

"Hmmm, promises baby."

"I always keep my promises darling."

"Well, I really can't wait for you now."

"I have something to tell you when I see you, Shelby."

"You do, do you?"

Always there - a Norman Reedus storyΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα