Always there chapter 104

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Always there

Chapter 104

News report

Walking dead star in sexual assault case

Walking dead star Shelby Reedus has been listed as the first accuser in the growing case of disgraced OBGYN Nathan Jones. Dr. Jones has now been charged with fifty counts of indecent behavior and assault of patients over ten years at Emory university hospital.

The hospital chief dr Anthony Matthews has also been suspended pending investigation since it has come to light that the two are related.

Police are requesting anyone that has had inappropriate dealing with Dr. Jones to contact them immediately. Dr jones is currently out on bail awaiting a trial date to be set. Shelby Reedus has been unavailable for comment, though her agent has said once she has given birth to her and her husband fellow walking dead actor Norman Reedus's twins she will discuss it.

6th January

Shelby POV

Huge day today we decided, well I did that we were going to celebrate Norman's birthday. All the family is coming all his brothers and sister, mom and dad, my parents and brother and his family and all our pseudo family like Sean and Lauren and their kids, Sean and Jessie, Ella and her Norman which I must say is always fun when we are together two guys look at me when I say Norman and their kids, Melissa, Scott, heavenly, Andy and his family and many more. We wanted it to be a celebration as Norman got his first test back and it was cancer free as well and we never do anything for his birthday as we are usually away somewhere, not this year as I swallowed a watermelon. The twins are doing great due any day now they're due today but who knows?

"Good morning. Happy birthday, baby." I kiss him awake he still looks as good as he did when I met him eighteen years ago, god I've known this man for half my life.

"Ah, thanks, honey." I brought the kids in and gave Norman his presents which he loved.

As we got up to have the breakfast Theresa made him which she said was her birthday present to him. Mackenzie wanted to be picked up I haven't picked him up in the last few days as it's getting harder to do things now, as I did I had a sharp pain go through my back.

"You okay babe? Babies?"

"I don't think so it's my back. Mackenzie baby it's getting too hard to carry you, soon I'll be able to again the babies are making it hard." He hugged me. God, I love my kids.

I pass him to Norman who sits him at the table I think Theresa went a little crazy there's ham and cheese croissants, bacon and eggs, pancakes, muffins, and toast and lots of coffee.

"Exactly how long were you cooking this Theresa?"

"Hey, it's not often I get to make breakfast for someone who yes I like on their birthday so sue me. So is there going to be any singles at this thing today?"

"Hey, Theresa Norman is mine."

"Oh don't worry babe, I could be naked he would never look at me."

"I don't know Theresa I am a boob man." I smacked his arm.

"Hey just because it's your birthday doesn't mean I won't bend over and smack your bum."

"Mom that's so gross. I don't want the thought of you two smacking each other stuck in my head."

"Sorry, Mingus. So the plan today Norman is the Sean's are taking you to paintball with Scott, Andy, Greg, Steve oh Theresa he's single, Troy said he might be here, and your dad and you too Mingus. Norman we are at the Hampton by Hilton in Fayetteville, your party is at 3 pm so you need to be there at the hotel by the latest 2.30 pm, I'll bring a change of clothes for both you and Mingus.

Always there - a Norman Reedus storyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon