Always there chapter 85

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Always there

Chapter 85

Norman POV

I'm really scared I'm going to a urologist as soon as we arrive in Atlanta I couldn't sleep last night I found a good doctor that had an available appointment for today, I told the producers that someone else had to fill in for the interviews as I had an emergency I had to attend to, so we caught the earliest flight we could back to Atlanta as I have an afternoon appointment. I need to relax at times like these I wish I smoked again that's probably why I lump on my balls, how could I be so stupid not to notice that I was having that happen to me? What if Shelby hadn't touched me or didn't notice the difference? What if it's bad I could leave my kids without a dad, it would be worse than when I was growing up, yeah my dad died but I was over thirty when it happened. All I know is that I'm going to fight this if it is bad for as long as I can, I don't want to lose this fight.

I am walking around the room making sure we got everything while Shelby sleeps, I know she had a bad night sleeping last night I could feel her tossing and turning. When the last of the clothes are packed and I'm ready I walk over and gently wake Shelby up.

"Hey, baby. It's time to get up babe."

"Okay, I'm up." She's so beautiful. What if I have to have chemo and lose my hair and my balls would she still find me sexy? "Baby why didn't you wake me up?"

"I know you didn't sleep well last night. So I let you sleep in."

"Ah aren't you a sweetie. Okay, I'm going to have a shower and I'll be out soon." She kisses my cheek and heads to the bathroom. I watch Shelby come out of the bathroom get dressed, eat and we are ready to head out the day. We are waiting for our plane like usual having to avoid the horde of photographers and fans, thankfully we are in the VIP lounge so it gives us some privacy.

"Norman honey? Are you okay? I'm here if you want to talk. I can't imagine what you are feeling I don't know how I would feel if I found a lump in my breast. I'm here if you want to talk."

"I'm not going to lie Shel I'm scared shitless. What am I going to do? I've been reading probably not the thing to do babe but if I'm lucky it will not be cancer just a growth but that's unlikely if it is cancer babe I'm going to lose one or both of my balls. I love you I don't want to lose you. But if I need chemotherapy I'm going to lose my hair, so I'll be hairless and ballless. I don't know how you'll be able to look to me if I was bald and had no balls." I watch her get on the ground in front of me.

"Norman honey, I'm never leaving you. You and me this is forever babe. Didn't I marry you and it said for better or worse, for richer or poorer and for sickness and in health? I'm pretty sure I agreed to that. Your hair babe can grow back and yeah your balls well I'm sure we can look at what opinions we have. My dad, he got a prosthesis put in, I mean I don't know a lot about that there are some things a daughter doesn't want to know but I'm sure he'd tell you all about it. But I promise you I'm never leaving you, babe. You've always been there supporting me when I needed it, Norman it's my time to support you let me babe let me support you."

"Thank you Shelby but saying that and going through that are two different things you might change your mind what if I can't satisfy you anymore?"

"Well firstly babe, we don't even know what is wrong and secondly I'm sure you can think of ways to satisfy me. I'm sure you will look after me just fine. Fuck babe you aren't losing your tongue are you? You'll be able to eat the fuck out of me."

"What if I can't get him up?"

"Well, we will look at our options babe. We always have 2.0 if you don't feel like fucking me if that's okay with you?"

Always there - a Norman Reedus storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें