Always there chapter 21

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Always there
Chapter 21

Comic con July 2013

Shelby POV

I'm scheduled to be at a panel for Marvel's movie Captain America Winter Soldier, these movies have become something else. The people they bring are crazy. I'm happy that at least one part of my life is good, I'm still married, and Alex is still as controlling as he used to be he seems to have gotten better but I know the things I can't say or do as I don't want to trigger another fight lately it's just been verbal I am scared that one day again he will hit me and him being as good as he is he could kill me. He hasn't hit me in a year or so.

I'm in the green room when I see it. Norman comes in with his new girlfriend. Damn, he looks good. No don't look at him oh god I'm wet already just by the sight of him, I shouldn't watch his show it turns me on so much. I decide to walk over to him and at least say hello.

"Hello, big brother." I tap him on the shoulder.

"Oh, Shelby. Is that you? Silly question come here, babe." I come up to him and hug him I smell him he smells so good I've missed his smell.

"Hey put me down darling."

"Oh, Shelby I'd like you to meet someone. Shelby this is Cecelia, Cecelia this is Shelby Mackenzie sorry Johnston."

"Legally Johnston but I work under Mackenzie. Pleasure. Norman's so good to see you. I was wondering if Troy will ever get his finger out of his ass because I kind of wanna see a movie with Black Widow and Daryl Dixon." Cecelia ignores me and walks away.

"You like him do you?"

"Always have babe. Always will Norman."

"You doing anything tonight?"

"I'm going to the playboy party."

"Me too maybe I can meet you there I'd love to hang with you again. I've missed just hanging out with you at cons and things."

"I doubt you have missed me. Cecelia seems nice. Little young but you always liked them young."

"She's easy to be with. She doesn't want marriage or babies. Some people have that stuck in their heads as must-have items. Did you ever end up having kids, oh that's right you haven't ruined that body of yours."

"I haven't had time to have a family. I've been busy maybe by the start of next year we can I'm hoping anyway."

"You'll be a good mom."

"Are you happy Norman?"

"Yeah I'm happy, work is amazing, come on girl I wanna introduce you to some people." He puts his arm around me and leads me to a group of people.

"Oh wow, you are Black Widow. I love you."

"Oh hi, kiddo aren't you a sweetie pie. It's nice to meet you you're Chandler right?"

"Right, that's me. Dad can you get a photo of me and Black Widow."

I crouch down and pose with Chandler.

"Excuse me Ms. Johnston can I have a pic."

"Steven right?"

"Hey, Norman is she a fan."

"Yeah, I watch the show I love it."

"Let me guess you love Daryl."

"I've always loved Norman ever since I met him." I smile at him.

"I also love Merle."

I had pictures with all the crew from the walking dead. I said to Norman that I would see him another time maybe at the playboy party. I walked away and as I left I looked back and waved at him.

Always there - a Norman Reedus storyWhere stories live. Discover now