Always there chapter 59

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Always there
Chapter 59

28 weeks

Comic con 2015

Shelby POV

I'm so nervous six months of secrecy are finally coming to an end. We traveled with The Walking Dead crew even though I'm not on any panels this time. This weekend is a repeat of last year's cocktail party, convention, and playboy party not that I don't mind. I'm so happy since I told Norman he's promised and has kept his word not to say anything to anyone else.

10 July

I woke up and stared at the man I love I am so glad that he isn't mad at me, I know what I'm doing I always know what I'm doing Mac is a good baby he's at 28 weeks and growing nicely. I get up and walk to the bathroom I need to look good I know it's not necessary as I've seen what the girls wear and what I have will be fine, I found a deep red dress I'm wearing. I'm in the shower and thinking about what I'm going to say I have no idea, I'm washing my belly I feel a pair of arms around me.

"Oh my fucking god Norman you scared the crap out of me. Don't do that."

"You okay baby? I'm sorry didn't mean to scare you. Just wanted to join you."

"It's okay I'm just thinking."

"What about babe? Today is your big day, isn't it? So do we finally get to tell everyone? Just be safe babe. That's all I ask Shelby."

"Yeah in a few hours. Trust me babe trust that I know what is safe and I have a great team, can't exactly not do it honey I've already been filming so can't pull out now. I'm sorry I couldn't tell you, babe, I wanted to since the day they hired me but I was told not to you know how they like their secrets babe."

"I know babe. Just be careful that is all I ask honey."

"Explain what makes me so special. Norman, I'm just pregnant I'm not dying if at worse I'm running in this and I'll do whatever the stunt person says I can do safely."

"Just be safe. You're my wife that makes you the most important girl ever."

"I'm not Norman."

"You know I don't think I ever asked why do this Shelby? Especially pregnant."

"Well, I wasn't pregnant when I auditioned then some super sperm knocked me up. This role is too good to give up."

"Knocked you up? You don't think that, do you? That I knocked you up?"

"No I don't think you knocked me up, Mac was made with love. Can you just leave me alone I have a huge day today doing shit? I need to relax Norman I'm not going to get it today. Please I need you not to stress me out." I walk out of the bathroom and start to get ready. Norman steps out following me.

"I'm not going to lie I'm worried okay I want my wife and son safe but if you think you will be safe then I'll trust you. If sonequa can do it you can too, the producers will look after you baby." As I step into my dress.

"Yeah, I will."

"You look, beautiful babe."

"Yeah, I'll do the producers justice."

"More like do me justice I'm not nearly good enough for you babe."

"Oh, you aren't? Well, I think you are isn't that enough?"

"Yeah, it is. I love you so much Shelby and I want to trust you, babe, just promise me that you will be safe."

"Honey I always am."

"That's all I want babe."

"Good babe, I'm glad that you are starting to trust me, babe."

"Hey by the way honey. I got you something. It's a little something for our second-anniversary babe."

Always there - a Norman Reedus storyWhere stories live. Discover now