Always there chapter 82

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Always there
Chapter 82


Filming is going great we got today off as Norman and I are going to our first doctor's appointment. The previous doctor we saw said I was about eight weeks which was way further than we thought. I wanna know when I'm due. We arrive at the doctor's office and we're waiting our turn.

"Shelby Reedus?"

"Babe it's our turn. I swear you and Candy Crush are you sure you don't want me to give you a free pass to it?"

"Nah I'm not that obsessed."

"Keep telling yourself that." I tapped the side of his face. We walk into the surgery and sit down.

"Welcome back Mrs. Reedus nice to see you so soon."

"Yeah doctor what can I say? I can't resist my husband. Look at him." Norman goes bright red I love it.

"I can see why." Norman goes even redder. "Well let's see how far you are. When was your last period?"

"My last proper one was the first of April I started missing the sugar tablets so I haven't had a period since then." I take my underwear off and get on the table. The doctor puts her hand on my lower abdomen and presses as she does her fingers are inserted inside me.

"Relax it will be over soon. Well, you feel about fifteen weeks but let's get you in the ultrasound room and get a correct date."

"There's no way I'm fifteen weeks. I mean I have a belly but it's not that big is it?"

"Well let's find out and no it's not big."

We walked into the scanning room and I get on another table.

"Okay Shelby sorry this is cold but you know the routine by now. How are those adorable kids of yours?"

"Emerson is so smart quite the mother hen to Mackenzie he's started walking."

"Wow, they are getting so big how old are they?"

"Emerson is two and Mackenzie turns one in September."

"Wow. Okay, let's see what we have here. Well, will you look at that, that explains the size of your uterus, congratulations you are the proud parents of twins identical twins. I can probably tell you what they are."

"Oh my god, Shelby she was right. Yeah, let's see if she was right about the sex."

"Who was right?"

"A psychic told me my next pregnancy would be twin girls and that's it no more babies."

"Well she was right you're having twin girls."

"I'll get the snip babe."

"Okay, babe."

"Well looking at the measurements your due date would be January the 6th."

"You hear the Norman?"

"Are you serious? Cool, that's my birthday."

"Well, hopefully, they will cook until then Norman. But being twins they will more than likely be early but if you relax Shelby...."

"Relax Shelby do you know that word, honey?"

"As I was saying if you relax and don't have sex there's no reason for you not going full term. Sex can induce a baby."

"Relaxation and no sex sounds good to me doctor."

"Doesn't to me babe. But yeah I get it, yeah want to have these babies as close as possible to my birthday now."

"Well, I'll let you fix yourself up Shelby it's been a pleasure as always guys I look forward to seeing more of you. Oh, will the babies be born here or in New York?"

Always there - a Norman Reedus storyWhere stories live. Discover now