Always there chapter 91

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Always there

Chapter 91

Norman POV 

I'm bored two hours of Candy Crush later I should've brought my laptop I could've watched something. I'll get Shelby to bring it over tomorrow. I hope she's looking after herself and the twins. She's lost too much weight since this has happened, weight she can not afford to lose. She's too skinny for having twins that's what the doc said during her last visit. Especially when people like Alannah were having twins she was a lot bigger than Shelby is.

I'm getting used to having ice on my groin it's not so bad that and the pain killers they've got me on are great. I hardly feel a thing. I'm not sleepy I've slept enough I might try Shelby make sure she's okay. I tried her phone but it rang out I get her voice message maybe she's busy. I'll try home.


"Hey Ming."

"Hi, dad. What are you doing calling us?"

"Well, I'm bored and wanted to talk to someone."

"Okay, I'm here."

"What about your mom is she there? Did she eat yet?"

"Dad she's been in your room since she got home, she said hi to the kids and climbed the stairs we haven't seen her since."

"Ming, can you see if she's okay?"

"Sure dad hang on." I can hear him moving around and then knocking on the door. "Dad she's not answering the door. You think I can let myself in the door is unlocked."

"Yeah, sure son." I hear him open the door and I can hear the following conversation.

"Hey, mom wake up it's dad. Mom wake up."

"Huh, what yeah okay."

"Here you go dad Shelby's awake."

"Mingus so you saying she hasn't eaten?"

"Pretty sure she hasn't dad."

"I wouldn't ask but can you make her something to eat your mom? I'm worried about her."

"Yeah, I can do that. I'll pass the phone over to mom now."


"Hey, baby. So what are you doing?"

"Sleeping I think. I don't know."

"What you mean you don't know?"

"Don't exactly know how I ended up in bed Norman. I walked in here to go to the bathroom then thought I just lie down for a minute and next thing Ming was waking me up."

"Honey, you aren't looking after yourself are you?"

"I don't know babe. You should be thinking about you not me I'm not important. You are."

"Honey you are to me. You're very important to me and the kids."

"Come in."

"Mom I made you a sandwich."

"Oh, our son made me a grilled cheese sandwich."

"Grilled cheese, ham, and mushroom. Because I know you love mushrooms mom. Dad said you have to eat I'm not moving until you finish it then I'm getting you dessert and we are staying here and watching something. Dad put me in charge while he's away."

"Okay, Mingus yes sir."

"That's my boy. Yeah, I told him he was to look after the family because he's the eldest male while I'm away. Now eat up missy."

"I'll call you back when I'm done okay I promise I'll eat."

"You promise?"

"Yes, I promise."

Okay now, what do I do? Back to Candy Crush, I guess.

Shelby POV

"Damn Ming I can't believe you made this. It's so good I feel like I haven't eaten in about a day."

"That's true mom. You need to look after yourself. You're supposed to be big mom. How do we know if those babies are okay?"

"Ming, when did you get so old?"

"I am nearly seventeen mom. Not a little kid anymore. Hell, I'm the man of the house don't you know. So you want to come down and pick out dessert or do you trust me? I make a mean brownie sundae and I know we still had some of those unless dad ate them all."

"I can always make more. Your dad does love them. I'm surprised that his not huge maybe he should never leave the show as he will get fat though I'd still love him regardless."

"Nope, you are supposed to rest. So two brownie sundaes on the way. And I know that you'd love dad however he looked."


Mingus walked out of the bedroom. Seriously he's a good kid I love him, I can't believe Norman asked him to look after the family. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. I decided to text Norman.

You know our son is awesome. :) great cook. Yum. Dad isn't half bad either.

Norman texted me back

Yeah, he is. Glad you ate babe. Hey, what do you mean half bad I'm fully bad I'm a badass.

Text to Norman

Yeah, my badass. I love my badass. Are you bored babe?

Text to Shelby

Shitless. Not sleepy. Slept enough today.

I decide to call him while Mingus is making dessert.

"Hey, you."

"Hello, beautiful. How's my favorite woman going?"

"I feel a bit better. I miss you, babe."

"It's only a few days hon. Then you'll be tired of my ass hanging around."

"So when do they give you the hormone injection babe?"

"Tomorrow. Man, I hope it doesn't affect me."

"What you mean?"

"My muscle tone or voice I don't want those to change."

"I'm sure they won't. You'll still be that sexy as fuck man I married."

"God I love you, babe. I don't know how I would be if it was anyone else babe. I know you've had it rough these past couple of days but you are so brave, babe. I need you to be a little bit longer honey." There was a knock on the door.

"Ah, my dessert has arrived. Hang on babe. Let me open the door. Oh my god. Norman you have to get Ming to make you one of these."

"What babe?"

"Our son has just made us chocolate brownies and ice cream and Ming is that chocolate sauce."

"Yep. I brought nuts don't know if you're allowed to eat them or not."

"Ah man come on now you're just teasing me you know how much I love chocolate. The next thing you'll tell me you're doing naughty things with it."

"Dude control yourself. That's the last thing you want happening. You might have had that operation but you still have the hormones running through your system babe, now hmm that's yummy...."

"Ah come on."

"Sorry I got to go before something rises."

"That's so gross mom."

"Okay, babe. I'll talk to you later or did you just want to message me when you are going to sleep so I know you're okay."

"Yeah, you have a good night babe. Love you lots."

"Love you too Norman."

Always there - a Norman Reedus storyWhere stories live. Discover now