Always there chapter 170

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Always there

Chapter 170

Ten years later...

So much has happened since that night when Sean and I slept together, I sold the lake house to Emerson well actually gave it to her for a dollar, I wanted Sean and I to have a place that was ours not his and Jessie's or mine and Norman's even if it was for a short time that we were together, as much as we love each other neither felt comfortable sleeping together in the bed that we used to share with our other spouse. We found a place little on the big side with ten bedrooms, but we have a lot of family members now combined with both Sean's boys, my seven children, and Jessie's three children we have thirty-seven grandchildren, I think Norman would be proud of the legacy he has left behind, there's a boy named Norman, one named Normie, a girl named Nora, a girl named Norma, a girl named Norrie, a boy named Mark and a girl named Marica, Elvie was a surprise packet she had twins the first pregnancy and named them Norman and Sean after her dads and her daughter she named Shelbee.

Career wise all the children have exceeded our expectation, Mingus is a well respected pediatrician him and Rebecca are still as happy as they were the day they married, Emerson is well respected in her field of psychology, Mackenzie is a cult actor like his father before him, there's no shame in that his father was very happy being a cult actor, Penelope has joined her mother and has her own Oscar for playing of all things a rape victim she was so amazing, she married her long time partner Melissa in a beautiful ceremony, Phoenix is happy to be an eccentric artist she has a huge following and her and Tony they are also blissfully happy, Elvie's restaurants have gone from strength to strength she has opened a chain of restaurants and has branches all over the country, Marcus has finally settled down and boy did he ever he met a Victoria's Secret model at a shoot and the rest as they say is history, they met and Sophia fell pregnant straight away and they eventually had two sets of twins, he changed what he was doing and decided to move behind the scenes and has made several popular movies usually using people we know and yes he was even able to get me out of retirement and back working I have missed it but there are other more important things than working.

We have lost a lot of people as everyone is getting older, since Norman passed, we've lost Michael, Debi, Theresa, Andrew, Greg, Clifton, and Troy. Our group of friends is dwindling but I know they will be there when we get to heaven or I hope that they are, and not that there is nothing. 

Sean and I have led a great life we can do whatever we like, we've traveled around the world we try to do a trip every six months.

Today is a special day it's my birthday the children insisted that we celebrate it usually we go somewhere last year we went to Brazil, but this year Sean insisted we stay home, he and the kids have planned something I don't know what I've been completely put out of the loop. Emerson and Phoenix are taking me to a spa to get a makeover. We're made comfortable we're talking.

"So mom how does it feel to be seventy?"

"Do you feel old?"

"Thanks, girls you ask me if I feel old? I don't feel old, I've led a great life I've been in love with two amazing men had six and mothered seven children, been kind of a stepmother to an additional five kids, and am now a grandmother to thirty-seven kids."

"So I got to ask only because I got to say it's kind of disgusting do you and Sean still you know?"

"What sleep together? Bump uglies? Mate like rabbits? As a matter of fact yes we do. It mightn't be all the time it's about four times a week that we have actual sex but the other stuff we do is good."

"I don't even want to know what you two do."

"I do. I'm so jealous. I'm so tired all the time four kids I honestly don't know how you found the time to work and have seven kids mom?"

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