Always there chapter 140

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Always there

Chapter 140

Monday two days later


"That day, that awful last day, before the ambulance arrived and you were holding me, you whispered something into my hair. What did you say?"

"I asked you not to give up on me."

"But then you disappeared, Hayes."

"For the last time. I never will again."

"Do you want me?"

"I promise. If it's left to me, I've spent my last day and night without you. But whatever happens next, it's your call."

"I don't feel like driving. Will you give me a lift home?"

"Happy to." Norman sits there looking at me.

"Are you going to start the truck?"

"Not yet, Doc." He leans towards me his hand holds the back of my head pulling me towards him. "First I'm gonna kiss you until I can't breathe."

"Cut! That's a wrap we are done, people. Congratulations everyone a job well done." I kiss Norman I'm so happy. I have a great feeling about this movie.

"Thank you some much Brian. Thank you for filming this, I hope my gut is right and it's a success. You know anytime Brian I want to use you I'll call okay? You were amazing my life is complete. So dinner tonight is my place my treat Brian I'd love you to meet my family. Wouldn't we Norman." Norman leans in my ear.

"But it's my night, we aren't having a late one you got that."

"Yes, babe."

We made it home in no time. There was no one home as Debi said she was taking the kids on a play date with Melissa's kids.

"Oh, where is everyone?"

"Debi's probably on her way back here and God only knows with Sean where he is."

"So we have the house to ourselves. Oh, come on let's enjoy it until they come back." Norman picked me up and carried me to the bedroom. He walks through the door and boots it shut, he puts me on my feet as we kiss each other. I walk backward and fall on the bed that's when I notice a piece of paper on the bed I roll over and read it.

Dearest Shelby

I'm sorry I'm not here you deserved to have me talk to you but I can't face hurting you. It was never my intention to hurt you or Norman, I never wanted to hurt your relationship, I know you two love each other and I don't want you to break up because I'm here.

Thank you Shelby for being one of the sweetest, kindest people I know. Thank you for making these past few weeks bearable, I don't know what I would've done without you here. Thank you for loving me and my kids, they love you, Shelby.

If things were different maybe we'd be able to be together but I won't destroy your relationship. I love you enough to let you go.

Please forgive me for leaving without telling you but I didn't think I could face telling you that I'm leaving you. Have a good life that's what I want for you, you deserve no less with Norman.

Forgive me, Shelby

I'll love you always.


"Oh god no!" I get off the bed and ran to the spare bedroom There's nothing here all of Sean's things are gone. "No, he didn't."

"Shel, what's wrong?"

"He's gone. He's gone because of you! All you had to do was share with me. Fuck I hate you Norman. Don't bother talking to me."

Always there - a Norman Reedus storyWhere stories live. Discover now