Always there chapter 121

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Always there

Chapter 121

Shelby POV

God this place isn't my home. It looks like it but it isn't. Michael and Debi have left. I watch the kids play with the babies. God, I love them, that would have hurt the most I think leaving them.

"Baby, you okay?"

"Yeah, I am. Oh, I don't know."

Knock knock...

"Who's that?"

"Why don't you let me answer the door and I'll find out." Norman opens the door and it's mattress people.

"Hi delivery for Reedus?"

"Yeah, that's me. The room is at the top of the stairs."

"Not a problem man." I watch the guys move the bed into my old room I'm not staying there isn't going to happen Norman can swap the bed I'm not staying in that room.

Norman POV

I was leading the guys up the stairs I look back down and saw Shelby look I don't know what she was looking at but she looked disgusted.

"Right this way guys." I opened the door

"Fuck what happened in here. Sorry dude I didn't mean to swear did someone get killed in here or something?" I look around and there's still blood on the ceiling and a huge patch of carpet missing.

"Yeah, something like that." They unpack the mattress and are on their way. There's no way I am sleeping here tonight not till the cleaners arrive tomorrow we can sleep in the guest bedroom tonight.

I come out and I can see Shelby sitting with the twins, I don't know how she could even think the kids would be better off without her, one day and Emerson was losing her shit. I walk down the stairs.

"Hey, babe. I was thinking we could sleep in the guest bedroom tonight or until we get the room fixed or until you feel more comfortable.

"I'm going to use the guest room I don't think I can have you with me Norman not yet I'm not comfortable with that idea."

"Babe please don't push me away."

"You don't get it do you?"

"Explain it to me then."

"I can't. I can't explain I can't tell you. You'd never understand."

"Well make me tell me all about it. I can cope."

"I don't think you can Norman. I can't cope and it happened to me. So I'd appreciate it if you respect my wishes and stay out of there it's my room okay. Don't make me lock the door."

"Please babe I swear I won't touch you or anything. I'll just lay on the bed hell I'll stay on top of the covers fully clothed if I have to. I don't want to be away from you."

"You promise? You won't touch me and you'll stay above the covers?"

"Yes baby I will I get my pajamas and I swear sex isn't even close to my mind."

"I don't think I'll ever be able to not for a very very long time Norman."

"Baby you take your time I'm not going anywhere."

"Thank you I can't promise I won't kick you out Norman. But it's a start."

"Thank you, Shelby." I want to hug her and tell her everything will be okay but I honestly don't know if it will be. Not if she keeps pushing me away.

"Ow, mommy?" Mackenzie points to Shelby's face I swear these kids are amazing.

"Yeah mommy's face hurts real bad sweetie can I get a hug it might make mommy feel better."

Always there - a Norman Reedus storyWhere stories live. Discover now