Always there chapter 33

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Always there
Chapter 33

May 2014 - 38 weeks

Shelby POV

Norman asked me to go with him to Scott Wilson's house I've been there before it is so pretty there are fields, trees and a lake it's very nice.

"Baby I was wondering if you can dress up babe."

"You don't like what I'm wearing?" I'm wearing pants and a shirt.

"You look fine but I'd like it if you dressed up."

"Don't you like how I dress?"

"No baby. It's kind of special hon. I put a box on our bed for you to wear."

"Do you hate me Norman? I know I'm not pretty or anything but I can pick my clothes. My taste isn't so bad."

"No baby."

"I'm sorry Norman I know you aren't him I should know you aren't anything like him. You have a reason for what you want me to do."

"Baby did he make you wear what he told you to do."

"Yes, babe. I'm sorry baby. Every time I think I'm over it something comes back and reminds me. I'm sorry Norman I know you aren't anything like him."

"Babe, I didn't mean to remind you of him. I never mean to do that. I'd like you to wear it. As I'm wearing a suit I'd be honored if you wore the dress."

"Baby I'm sorry. I'll be more than happy to wear it. I know you're nothing like him, you're the best thing that has ever happened to me. I'll go get changed."

I went to our room and there was a box on the bed. I untied the ribbons and lift the lid, oh Norman your taste is exquisite I'm holding a beautiful green dress. I take off my clothes and put the dress on and look at myself, seeming as if he wants me to dress up I decide to do my makeup and hair. After I'm done I look at myself and I think I look good. I grab a pair of shoes and head out. I make my way to the lounge and stop, Norman looks so good in a blue-grey three-piece suit he looks so sexy.

"Oh, Shelby you look beautiful."

"Oh, you look much sexier."

"No way babe. You ready?"

"Yeah, I am Norman." We head out of the house Norman helps me into the SUV. It doesn't take long for us to get to Scott's house, it's a beautiful drive. We walk up to the door and knock.

"Hey, you two kids it's good to see you. Shelby, you look good."

"Thank you, Scott. Only two weeks to go she hasn't been kicking as much."

"Babe she's just running out of room but it's good it means she's getting bigger and ready to see us. Shelby I can't wait to meet her, she's going to be so beautiful because her mother is."

"Oh, you say the sweetest things Norman."

"Yeah, he does. Norman has always been a sweetheart."

"Scott you forgot to mention a dash of filthy as well, which is also good."

"Well, I will leave you alone. Norman everything is as you wanted have fun."

"Scott where are going?"

"Oh, this is just for you two, something to do before Emerson turns up."

"Oh okay. Thank you, Scott." As we watch Scott walk out the door. "Norman what do you have planned?"

"Oh come on baby come outside." Norman helps me up and we walk out the back, it's beautiful there's a tent one of those fancy tents, and a table under a tree with lanterns.

Always there - a Norman Reedus storyWhere stories live. Discover now