Always there chapter 37

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Always there
Chapter 37

Norman POV

I'm a little nervous Maryanne is due over today, I think I've watched Shelby change clothes about three times she wants to look good.

"Babe why are you working yourself up in knots mom doesn't care what you wear."

"I do I don't want her hating me. She is when I talk to her she'll never look at me the same I think she'll think I was weak Norman. I was Norman there's no other word for it. I had chance after chance to leave and I didn't. Every time I was on set overseas I should've stayed away but I didn't there must have been something wrong with me. Who does that Norman who stays with someone when they beat and rape them?"

"Honey, why are you doing this? Mom loves you. All she ever wanted was someone that loves me for me and wouldn't care if I was just a gardener or a millionaire honey and you do. I know you don't care about what I do."

"Nope, I just love you."

"Mom knows what she's talking about I'm going to take little miss with me to Andy's so you two can talk I don't wanna know about what unless you want me to know."

"I do want you to know I think you need to read what I've written it's good babe, it helps. I would hate her to hate me because I love you so much and I'd hate you to leave me if she hated me."

"Honey she won't and I wouldn't leave you. We are meant to be."

"God I hope so. But look who's talking I'm already heading into my second marriage because I did such a shitty job the first time that my husband beat me."

"Babe no you didn't that was him. I'm sure you were a better wife than he deserved he didn't deserve to be married to you."

"Am I doing the right thing talking to your mom?"

"Shelby come on snap out of it, chill out relax baby. Everything will be fine would you like me to talk to mom before you do."

"Yeah, that would be good. I'm scared Norman."

"There's no reason to be. Alex isn't getting released anytime soon unless he appeals the sentence, but I don't know if you should be told this I haven't told you but I think you might want to know he's not the most popular prisoner, a friend that is in the prison system said he has been attacked a few times and then some."

"Good couldn't happen to a better more deserving person I hope he gets raped by a guy with a huge cock."

"Honey come back to me."

There was a knock on the door that should be mom. I leave Shelby in our room and I walk to the door past Emmy's room she's talking up a storm so I pick her up.

"Hey Emmy baby what are we going to do about your mommy? Were you talking about the kitties? Hopefully, that's nanny." I open the door.

"Oh look at my granddaughter. Hello, Emerson aren't you beautiful but all my grandbabies are. Hello son."

"Good timing mom."

"I'm not late."

"No Shelby's in the middle of a meltdown. She thinks by talking to you, you will hate her and won't want her marrying me."

"Oh no you two belong together she's what you've needed all along yeah I liked Helena but I know you love Shelby she's good for you, you look so happy, that's all a mom wants to see her kids happy and this is the happiest I've seen you in a very long time babe."

"Thanks, mom."

"She doesn't have to talk to me if she doesn't want to I'm happy to sit here until she's ready."

Always there - a Norman Reedus storyWhere stories live. Discover now