Always there chapter 80

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Always there
Chapter 80

Mid May...

Shelby POV

I can't think.

"Mommy mommy mommy!"

"Debi help."

"Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!"

"What's up Shelby?"

"I don't know what Emerson wants but she wants attention."

"Well, then give her attention then."

"That's what I pay you for Debi. I'm supposed to be learning these lines I start Monday and I can't get my brain to work."

"I'm sure you'll be fine. Come on Emmy let's go get something to eat and find where your brothers are." Debi walks off carrying Emmy.

"God worse mother of the year award goes to Shelby Reedus. Fuck I'm an Oscar winner I can do this. Why can't I remember shit." I know I'm not pregnant I'm still taking the pill I'm not ready to be pregnant again. I mean I've been a bit delinquent with the tablets that's why I never did tablets with Alex. Though I know I told Norman yes I was ready I don't know. Norman started filming a couple of days ago they don't need me until next week. Hence why I'm trying to remember these lines now. There appears to be a lot of walking.


"Yeah, huh?"

"Are you okay? You don't seem to be yourself."

"Yeah, I can't seem to remember these lines it's like my brain isn't working."

"I'm sure you are just worried about doing it."

"I don't know it's easy I don't have a lot to do they're still on the road. I don't think I'm going to like this season there's stuff happening."

"But are there thangs?"

"Yeah, there's lots of thangs happening."

"Yeah I know I'm not allowed to know. I'll keep the kids amused and out of your hair."

"Thanks, Debi. I'm sorry I snapped earlier I'm just worried I don't want to screw this up. The fact I won an Oscar must mean I have to prove I'm a great actress and that I didn't sleep my way into winning that award."

"I'm sure people don't think you screwed your way into winning the Oscar."

"I think they think I didn't deserve it. So I must have screwed someone to win."

"That's funny Shelby. When exactly would you have time to screw someone else? You and Norman are pretty much at it twenty-four seven."

"Also why would I want to sleep with someone else? I love my husband. I've never slept with anyone for a part, yeah I got Black Widow because I was with Alex but that was the reason I got the audition I don't think he got me the role."

"You earned that, Black Widow's a legendary role. She got in the top ten badass female characters. That's gotta be something honey. Maybe ask Norman to help you."

"Yeah, I was a badass. Though there is a scene that might top anything Black Widow has done."

"Like what?"

"Oh, I think me carrying a baby and shooting guns at the same time. That's pretty badass."

"Yeah can't wait to see it."

"You can't say anything okay."

"My lips are sealed."

"Debi I'm not gonna get anything done can you bring Emmy in and I'll play with her."

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