Always there chapter 161

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Always there

Chapter 161

Norman POV

We decided just I would go to New York to be interviewed on Today, so much work to get six kids organized. I left home at two in the morning, kissing my half-asleep wife who mumbled something about not letting the dog out, well okay then Shelby have no idea what you are dreaming about but sure I won't let the dog out. I make it to New York four hours later and am in the makeup chair getting ready.

"Mr. Reedus I'm so glad you are doing better, I'm a real big fan. I was so upset when you said you were sick, I cried thinking you were dying I'm glad you're not."

"I'm sorry I made you cry. But thank you for caring."

"There you go you are perfect, though can't wait for this hair to grow back Mr. Reedus."

"You can call me Norman."

"Norman." She giggles like a schoolgirl. "Can we get a photo?"

"For sure." I take her phone and take a lot of photos not sure how many. "There you go." A production assistant gets me and walks me onto the set.

M: Our next guest you may know him as crossbow-wielding Daryl Dixon from The Walking Dead but recently he's had a fight of a different kind, the fight of his life and thankfully he is in remission please welcome Norman Reedus.

We shake hands as I sit down.

M: You're looking good man.

N: thanks. Glad to be here.

M: when did you find out about the kidney cancer?

N: just regular blood testing I'd been a bit forgetful and an ultrasound. But never again Matt it's just too important.

M: What was it like for you this time?

N: Very scary. Because it was stage two unlike last time it meant I needed chemo and surgery and it was discovered it was worse than they thought. I lost one and bit kidneys.

M: How's it feel to be in remission

N: Amazing I'm still in shock. Honestly, I thought I was going to die, but my wife Shelby never gave up, and she kept me motivated. I don't know if I'd be here if I didn't have her.

M: talking about Shelby, there's been rumors of you and Sean Patrick Flanery sharing Shelby at that time.

N: Yeah

M: Is it true?

N: Yes it is true.

M: Why did you do it?

N: Because we both loved her and she loved us. It was a relationship between three people who loved each other very much.

M: Are you still together now?

N: No but we are all happy.

M: Why did you decide you both wanted more kids?

N: We felt our family wasn't complete we'd always wanted five kids between us and six in total got a little more but we love each as much as the next.

M: How did Sean Patrick Flanery and Jessie Clark come to help you?

N: Well we were looking at potential donors because of testicular cancer I had I couldn't have any more kids and Shelby can't either due to complications from being shot. We were about to pick a particular donor when Sean said he wanted to do it, we know him and love him so thought why not. And Jessie is Shelby's cousin wanted to help her family.

Always there - a Norman Reedus storyWhere stories live. Discover now