Always there chapter 87

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Always there

Chapter 87

Norman POV

Oh man, my head hurts like a son of a bitch. I shouldn't have had that much to drink. I look over and find the bed empty. Damn, I was hoping to snuggle Shelby at least and see where things go. I wander downstairs and I can hear voices.

"This place is amazing cuz. You have amazing taste."

"Thanks, Jessie. I love it I know we haven't been here for long since April but it's home to me, I don't want to move."

"So where is the big man?"

"I let him sleep he had a bit of a rough night and there were three of us in bed so it wasn't too comfy at least until Mingus made his way to his bed. I swear those two are so much alike."

"Yeah, he didn't sound well when I spoke to him last night."

"So what are we going to do with reedustein?"

"Flanery I honestly don't know and we don't know what's happening until the results come back tomorrow." I can't stand here and listen as they discuss me as if I'm not here.

"Is that why my ears are burning you are talking about me? Hey babe." I kiss Shelby and she turns her face and I get her on the cheek.

"Hi, hon. I hope you don't mind if I let you sleep in. We had some unexpected guests though I'm not exactly sure where they are going to stay seems there's no room here as the two spare rooms are baby's rooms. What about our old place? It's still furnished or a nearby hotel."

"Cuz a hotel is fine for us. You don't have to worry about where we will stay. Just look after this guy and the two you are carrying. You know I can't believe you are having very cool twins."

"Well this one doesn't do things by halves if he's going to knock me up he's going to knock me up."

"I didn't knock you up. That's a horrible term."

"I know."

There was a knock on the door I walked off and answered the door. I opened the door it was my folks' damn mom looks like she's been crying.

"Hey, mom and dad." Mom comes in and gives me a big hug and kiss and dad is his unusual self and does the same.

"Ah, babe are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm okay. I'm going to be fine I'll get the results on Monday shouldn't stress about it."

"Yeah, son stress is no good."

"Nanny nanny."

"Well hello, beautiful. You are getting so big now. I haven't seen you since your birthday." Mom bends down to pick Emerson up. The next thing we hear is a string of words 'uncle kitchen. Hello."

"Oh, so your uncles are in the kitchen are they? Why am I not surprised the Sean's are here."

"Come on."

"Norman honey I think she wants me to go see them."

"Yeah it's through there mom, Shelby is in there too."

"Excuse me I've got a call I got to make I'll be right back." I make my way outside I walk through the kitchen and suddenly everyone stops talking. "Well don't let me interrupt your group meeting." I step through the kitchen door to the outside area. Pull out my phone.

Ring ring

"Hey, you."

"Hello, Helena."

"What's up, mister? Is it Ming? I always know when something's wrong you sound off."

Always there - a Norman Reedus storyWhere stories live. Discover now