Always there chapter 65

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Always there
Chapter 65

Early November 

Shelby POV

Man, I'm not feeling it anymore. I'm very glad the last of my pick-up shots have been done I can finally relax and try and be a mommy until the new season starts, I'm not supposed to be doing anything unless they decide to do the sequel to The Cellar that's if it's a hit it's due for release soon in a week, the role in the sequel it's only a small part so shooting wouldn't be nearly as long.

Norman and I are okay I don't know what has happened but I'm so tired all the time I just can't seem to catch up on sleep even with Debi here looking after the kids I can't. I know I'm moody Norman and I have been fighting constantly about the amount of time he's away, if it's not night shoots, it's conventions, he's been to three since Mackenzie was born and lots of Walking Dead promo work, they requested me and I said no I said I wasn't up for it what with having the baby and all. I try not to fight with Norman but I can't help it I'm trying but everything is getting too much I have a Walker Stalker convention to do in December I also have the premiere of The Cellar to go to this week, I'm not overly happy as Norman doesn't want to go with me, he says he's busy which is true they are trying to finish filming I sometimes feel like the stuff I do isn't important to him I feel like if it's important to me oops I'm sorry babe I can't do that, though I drop everything and be with him, he never went with me to the Avengers 2 or Jurassic World premieres as he was busy yeah he was filming but I've always supported him but if I ask for a little back oops sorry Shelby I have to do this or that for The Walking Dead, it's nice to know where I stand on the food chain around here.

The kids are perfect Emmy is such a good big sister to Mackenzie very gentle surprisingly so with him I expected the worse I thought she'd be jealous but she's not. Mingus is happy there's a boy to play with even though he's getting older he wants to teach him how to do stuff.

I'm packing the kids and I up so we can go as I have to be there tomorrow before the premiere as Josh and I have an EW shoot to do to promote it and other promo work, Norman has said he will follow but he's not going to the premiere with me as he has to be on The Talking Dead, I get it I do it doesn't mean I'm happy. I'm in a mood when he comes home.

"Hey babe, you nearly packed?"

"No, I'm painting my nails what does it look like I'm doing? Are you sure that you can't come with us or with me to the premiere? I want you there."

"Honey I would if I could."

"Oh, you could if you wanted to support me. You know keep doing this and you'll be sorry."

"I'll be sorry?"

"Oh damn right you will be, and I might just rethink this marriage because if you do this to me now what bullshit will you be pulling on me later on?"

"Now you don't wanna stay married to me because I won't come to the premiere with you?"

"Yeah, I'm thinking about it, if you can be this disrespectful to me now why would I subject myself to further bullshit?"

"When do I give you bullshit?"

"Oh shit like this. You don't look at me. Do you even want me? I know how I look, and we've only been married six months hell it feels like forever. Also if it was something for you I'd be there. But me no work comes first."

"I don't want you, Shelby? You're going off on tangents again one topic at a time babe. I want you but you're asleep most of the time every time I come home you are sleeping. You just had a baby we aren't supposed to be playing remember what the doctor said six weeks? How the hell am I supposed to know what mood you are in, you're so grumpy since Mackenzie was born, I have no idea what's happening with you, are you suffering from postnatal depression?

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