Always there chapter 135

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Always there

Chapter 135

Six weeks later...

Shelby POV

We are four weeks into shooting and Brian is doing great I'm loving what he's shot. Sean, Norman, and I are really good I feel like we are an old married couple the three of us, I make sure they eat, I need to do something for Sean I think I need to talk to Norman, I can hear Sean at night sometimes he is crying it breaks my heart, I want to go to him and hold him, and tell him that it will be okay eventually.

"Norman are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine we need to talk later but I'm okay."

"What about?"

"Sean babe I'm worried about him."

"I know I am too. "

"Babe maybe we could do something nice for him I don't know what yet I have an idea but I need to figure it out."

"Okay keep me in the loop okay."

"Always now let's get this done. Are you cold?"

"Not if you hug me I won't be."

We walk to the set Norman is right it's cold out here. There's a sign on the wall closed set necessary crew only. I'm led to a bed and the scene is set.

"And action!"

I'm snuggled up in bed watching Norman's character drinking coffee.

"Were you in the military?"

"What makes you ask?"

"Your tidiness. Everything was folded uniformly and stored neatly. Boots lined up in pairs." Looking around the room.

"You must've given the place a thorough search."

"Didn't you expect me to?"

"Yeah, I should've. You poked a hole in my best scarf."

"Sorry." I jump as he moves slightly.

"Stop jumping every time I move."

"Then stop scaring me."

"I'm not."

"You are!"

"I don't mean to."

"But you do anyway."

"Why? I'm not going to hurt you."

"If that's true, then let me call my husband—"


"—and tell him that I'm all right."



"We've been through this. I'm tired of talking about it. I'm also tired of going outside to pee against a damn tree, which I've been doing all afternoon so I wouldn't disturb your rest. But now I'm going into the bathroom to use the commode and grab a shower. Make yourself at home. Snoop to your heart's content." Norman opened his arms wide at his sides. "The place is all yours."

"Cut. Everybody let's set up for the next scene.

The scene is set later that night...

"When the weather clears, I swear to you that I'll take you down the mountain. I'll see to it that you're safe. Until then, I won't hurt you. Understand?"

I nodded.

"Do you believe me?" Norman whispered.

"I want to."

Always there - a Norman Reedus storyWhere stories live. Discover now